CNT Group Limited is an investment holding company. The Group is principally engaged in the manufacture and sale of paint and coating products, property investment (including the investment properties for rental income potential or for sale, and the proposed elderly caring centre development in Hong Kong), iron and steel trading, hotel business ...
CONTRAF-NICOTEX-TOBACCO GmbH (CNT) is a worldwide operating company involved in growing, sourcing, developing, processing, extracting and the production of agriculturally derived products – mainly Leaf Tobacco and Nicotine as well as Natural Ingredients.
北海集團 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
北海集團 (CNT Group Limited, 港交所: 0701),是 香港 上市公司, 百慕達 註冊, 總部 寫字樓 在 灣仔 軒尼詩道 338號 北海中心。 徐展堂 (已故)為名譽主席兼執行董事, 林定波 為 公司 主席 兼 執行董事, 徐浩銓 及 徐蔭堂 為執行副主席或董事總經理,徐浩銓是徐展堂的 兒子,而徐蔭堂则为其弟 [1]。 北海集團的主要生意為 中華製漆 產品 [2],包括膠玉磁漆、乳膠漆、 油漆 及 地產投資 等。 ^ 北海集團有限公司,前身是“中華製漆控股有限公司”,是中華製漆 (一九四六 )有 …
CNT Group Limited is an investment holding company engaged in paint and coating products, property investment, iron and steel trading, and hotel business.
北海集团 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
北海集团(CNT Group Limited,港交所:0701),是香港 上市公司,百慕达注册,总部 写字楼在湾仔 轩尼诗道338号北海中心。 徐展堂 (已故)为名誉主席兼执行董事, 林定波 为 公司 主席 兼 执行董事 , 徐浩铨 及 徐荫堂 为执行副主席或董事总经理,徐浩铨是徐展 ...
CNT Group is proud to be the leading building materials supplier in the country. The company's special strength is its ability to supply large-volume building materials for national projects such as Tri An hydropower, Thac Mo hydropower, Da Mi Ham Thuan, East-West boulevard, and Thu Thiem tunnel, Thu Thiem bridge, O Mon - Can Tho ...
CÔNG TY CỔ PHẦN TẬP ĐOÀN CNT (CNT GROUP) TRỤ SỞ CHÍNH: 9-19 (Lầu 2) Hồ Tùng Mậu, phường Nguyễn Thái Bình, Quận.1, Tp.HCM (028) 3829 5488 - (028) 3821 3189 - (028) 3829 5604. [email protected]
北海集团 - 百度百科
北海集团的主要生意为 中华制漆 产品,包括胶玉磁漆、乳胶漆、油漆及地产投资等。 北海集团(CNT Group Limited,港交所:0701),是香港上市公司,百慕大注册,总部写字楼在湾仔轩尼诗道338号北海中心。
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CPM Group’s architectural paint and coating products focus primarily on the construction and maintenance markets of the commercial and residential properties. General paint and coating and ancillary
Company CNT Group Limited - MarketScreener.com
1990年12月31日 · CNT Group Limited: Company profile, business summary, shareholders, managers, financial ratings, industry, sector and market information | Hong Kong S.E.: 701 | Hong Kong S.E.