Flexible CNT@Porous carbon sponge cathode with large …
2024年1月31日 · Herein, we prepare a flexible carbon nanotube@porous carbon (CNT@PC) sponge with large mesopores (average mesopore size of 14.3 nm), which can achieve a high specific capacity of 175.3 mAh/g (0.1 A/g) and a high rate capability of 93.1 mAh/g (50 A/g).
Recent advances in carbon nanotube sponge–based
2020年6月15日 · The synthesized Me-CNT sponge demonstrated a high capability to absorb diesel oil, with a stable Q t of 56 g g −1 for up to 1000 absorption-and-reclamation cycles. Specifically, the sponge exhibited sufficient mechanical and tensile strength, which was equally supported by squeeze recovery of sorbed oil under compression (66 kPa at 60% strain ...
3D carbon nanotube-mesoporous carbon sponge with short pore …
2023年1月25日 · Herein, carbon nanotube (CNT)-mesoporous carbon (mpC) sponge is an elastic three-dimensional network and prepared by self-assembling phenol functionalized melamine-based micelles on the surface of CNTs and a carbonization process.
CNT Sponge - Graphene / Alfa Chemistry
Carbon nanotube (CNT) sponge is a sponge-like bulk material composed of self-assembled and interconnected CNT skeletons. It not only has low density and high porosity, but also has high structural flexibility and robustness, as well as wettability to organics in pristine form.
Three-dimensional Sponges with Super Mechanical Stability
2016年1月6日 · In this work, the macroscopic CNT sponge consisting of randomly interconnected individual carbon nanotubes was grown by CVD, exhibiting a combination of super-elasticity, high strength to weight...
Hard Carbon Nanotube Sponges for Highly Efficient Cooling
2020年10月12日 · Hard CNT sponges show a 44.3% higher cooling efficiency than commercial Al cooling fins at a humidity of 50% due to the massive latent heat of water combining with the high thermal conductivity of CNTs and the high emissivity of the composites.
Carbon Nanotube Sponges | Carbon Series Products - ACS Material
Carbon nanotube sponges (CNT) are created when carbon nanotubes self-assemble into a three-dimensional framework. The result is a sponge made up of tiny, hollow, strong carbon nanotube cylinders. CNT sponges are lightweight, elastic, chemically stable, and highly porous.
CNT Sponge - Nanomaterials / Alfa Chemistry
Carbon nanotube (CNT) sponge is a sponge-like bulk material composed of self-assembled and interconnected CNT skeletons. It not only has low density and high porosity, but also has high structural flexibility and robustness, as well as wettability to organics in pristine form.
Compressible CNT Ink-Wrapped Thermoplastic Polyurethane Sponge …
2024年12月4日 · Herein, a porous thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) sponge is constructed by a simple sacrificial sugar-template strategy. An aqueous printable carbon nanotube (CNT) ink is prepared by a physical ball milling process to improve the conductivity of the TPU sponge.
Sensing the ocean electric fields via a self-supported CNT sponge ...
2024年1月22日 · A self-supported CNT sponge is composed of uniformly twisted CNTs with high aspect ratio that enables the large specific surface area and good carrier conduction to go beyond the conventional carbon-based materials, shedding light on its high electrochemical activity in …