Confederación Nacional del Trabajo - Wikipedia
The industrial unions (sometimes referred to as "branch unions") form the base structure of the CNT. Each industrial union groups together workers of different crafts within an industry. When there are fewer than 25 people working in one particular industry, a various posts union is formed for that industry, rather than multiple industry unions.
西班牙全国劳工联合会 - 百度百科
西班牙全国劳工联合会(英文:National Confederation of Labour, 西班牙文:Confederación Nacional del Trabajo,简称CNT),又称西班牙全国劳工联盟,是 西班牙 一个重要的工人运动组织(或称工会),指导理念为 无政府工团主义。 因其同时为 国际工人协会 (英语缩写:IWA,西班牙语缩写:AIT)的重要成员,因此也被简称为CNT-AIT。 同时全国劳工联合会又与伊比利亚无政府主义者联盟(西班牙语缩写:FAI)达成深度合作关系,因此也被简称为CNT-FAI。 西班 …
Confédération nationale du travail - Wikipedia
The National Confederation of Labour (French: Confédération nationale du travail; CNT) is a French trade union centre. Established in 1946 as an anarcho-syndicalist alternative to the main trade union centre, the General Confederation of Labour (CGT), it brought together tens of thousands of workers around the country.
What's CNT? - Confederación Nacional del Trabajo
Founded in 1910 in Barcelona, from the union of workers’ societies not linked to social democratic currents, the CNT -called Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (National Confederation of Labor)- remains faithful to anarcho-syndicalist principles, and is the only heir in the Spanish State of the spirit of the First International.
CNT, 100 years of anarchosyndicalism (1910-2010)
The CNT began its anarchosyndicalist activity on the simple agreement to create a workers' organization independent of the politcial, religious and economic powers as a prerequisite to improve the living conditions of the workers until exploitation is ended.
CNT National Confederation of Labor - Catalunya Barcelona: A …
The National Confederation of Labor, or CNT is the venerable anarchist trade union that, for a time, exerted unbelievable influence on Barcelona, and all of Spain. Its days of influence and power have diminished greatly, but it remains legendary in the eyes of …
CNT - Wikipedia
Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT), the National Confederation of Labor, a Spanish confederation of anarcho-syndicalist labor unions; Central Nacional de Trabajadores (CNT), the National Workers' Central (Paraguay), a national trade union center in Paraguay
Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT) - Progressive Spain
The Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT, or National Confederation of Labour), is the modern-day successor to Spain’s historic anarcho-syndicalist trade union that was rooted in various 19th-century Spanish anarchist movements, then founded in Barcelona in 1910.
¿Qué es CNT? - Confederación Nacional del Trabajo
Fundada en 1910 en Barcelona, a partir de la unión de las sociedades obreras no vinculadas a las corrientes socialdemócratas, la CNT sigue fiel a los principios anarcosindicalistas, y es la única heredera en el Estado español del espíritu de la Primera Internacional.
What is CNT? - Confederación Nacional del Trabajo
CNT is the only union in Spain completely independent from political agendas, where workers who are members of the organization are the ones who decide, not a committee of union professionals. CNT renouces State financing or any money from business associations to maintain its economic independence and never leaves its negotiations in the hands of