Confederación Nacional del Trabajo - Wikipedia
The industrial unions (sometimes referred to as "branch unions") form the base structure of the CNT. Each industrial union groups together workers of different crafts within an industry. When …
西班牙全国劳工联合会 - 百度百科
西班牙全国劳工联合会(英文:National Confederation of Labour, 西班牙文:Confederación Nacional del Trabajo,简称CNT),又称西班牙全国劳工联盟,是 西班牙 一个重要的工人运动 …
Confédération nationale du travail - Wikipedia
The National Confederation of Labour (French: Confédération nationale du travail; CNT) is a French trade union centre. Established in 1946 as an anarcho-syndicalist alternative to the …
What's CNT? - Confederación Nacional del Trabajo
Founded in 1910 in Barcelona, from the union of workers’ societies not linked to social democratic currents, the CNT -called Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (National Confederation of …
CNT, 100 years of anarchosyndicalism (1910-2010)
The CNT began its anarchosyndicalist activity on the simple agreement to create a workers' organization independent of the politcial, religious and economic powers as a prerequisite to …
CNT National Confederation of Labor - Catalunya Barcelona: A …
The National Confederation of Labor, or CNT is the venerable anarchist trade union that, for a time, exerted unbelievable influence on Barcelona, and all of Spain. Its days of influence and …
CNT - Wikipedia
Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT), the National Confederation of Labor, a Spanish confederation of anarcho-syndicalist labor unions; Central Nacional de Trabajadores (CNT), …
Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT) - Progressive Spain
The Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT, or National Confederation of Labour), is the modern-day successor to Spain’s historic anarcho-syndicalist trade union that was rooted in …
¿Qué es CNT? - Confederación Nacional del Trabajo
Fundada en 1910 en Barcelona, a partir de la unión de las sociedades obreras no vinculadas a las corrientes socialdemócratas, la CNT sigue fiel a los principios anarcosindicalistas, y es la …
What is CNT? - Confederación Nacional del Trabajo
CNT is the only union in Spain completely independent from political agendas, where workers who are members of the organization are the ones who decide, not a committee of union …