关于Cu的元素价态XPS、LMM,LVV? - 盖德问答
问了测试中心的老师,说是做一个LMM谱图,但是我经过荷电校正后,这个Cu的LMM谱图上的峰型是对应着CuO的,但是相比较一般的Cu2+的Kinetic Energy (917.8 eV),我的这个Kinetic Energy竟然在923.8eV,这个合理吗? 这个LMM图可以分峰来计算Cu2+和Cu+的含量吗? 还有最后,卫星相对于主线的相对强度是多少这个是怎么计算的呀,唉,好难呀。 希望大家给点建议或者参考文献,拜托了。 针对审稿人的问题,就像你们测试中心的老师说的 画一个Cu LMM的图 …
Surface composition and electronic properties of Co-Cu mixed …
2024年10月1日 · In this work, we present a comprehensive XPS characterization of a series of Co x Cu 1-x C 2 O 4 · n H 2 O (x = 0.333, 0.5, 0.75) mixed oxalates in comparison with CoC 2 O 4 ·2H 2 O and CuC 2 O 4 · x H 2 O, including a quantification of their surface composition and stoichiometry, an evaluation of various parameters of core level, valence band a...
测元素价态,你还只会用XPS吗? - 知乎专栏
为了分析材料中元素的组成含量及价态信息,作者对Pt18Ni26Fe15Co14Cu27纳米粒子进行了X射线光电子能谱(XPS)测试,显示了Pt、Ni、Fe、Co和Cu元素的存在(图2a),Pt、Ni、Fe、Co和Cu的原子比为21.2: 27.4: 15.2: 13.7: 22.5,进一步证明HEA材料被成功制备。
铜 | Thermo Fisher Scientific - CN
与 Cu2p 峰相比,Cu LMM 峰观察到的化学位移更大。 仅采集 Cu2p 可能难以区分化学态。 长期暴露于 X 射线或离子轰击会使二价铜还原,Ar 离子团簇模式溅射或者尽量减少 X 射线暴露可避免这种效应。
【求助】Cu XPS 中铜的价态区分 - 经验共享 - 分析测试百科网 - 分 …
XPS确实很难区分Cu(0)和Cu(I),用俄歇谱来区分是可以做到的。 如果lz需要,给个邮箱,我把Cu的XPS图谱发给你,可以按照图谱数据区分铜的零,一,二价 whitesheep (2016-2-17 15:49:13)
Critical assessment of Co-Cu phase diagram from first-principles ...
Using first-principles alloy theory, we perform a systematic study of the Co-Cu phase diagram. Calculations are carried out for ferromagnetic and paramagnetic Co 1 − x Cu x solid solutions with face-centered-cubic (fcc) crystal structure. We find that the equilibrium volumes and magnetic states are crucial for a quantitative description of ...
The Co−Cu (Cobalt-Copper) system | Journal of Phase Equilibria
Indicates key paper.37Has: U. Hashimoto, “The Equilibrium Diagram of the Co−Cu System”,J. Jpn. Inst. Met., 1, 19 (1937) in Japanese.(Equi Diagram, Meta Phases ...
深入了解双金属 (Co/Cu) 掺杂石墨氮化碳催化的过一硫酸盐活化增 …
在此,我们报道了双金属氧化物(钴和铜)共掺杂石墨碳氮化物(Co–Cu@gC 3 N 4 )有效激活PMS以去除磺胺甲恶唑(SMX)。 通过TEM、SEM、XRD、BET 和XPS 对新鲜和用过的Co-Cu@gC 3 N 4的形貌和化学成分进行了表征。
転位回復モデルおよびNモデルに基づくCu-Co-P合金の析出挙動 …
The fcc-Co formation and the Co 2 P precipitation on dislocations take place simultaneously in the Cu-0.32 at%Co-0.21 at%P-0.11 at%Sn alloy. The Co particles are left inside the bulk Cu matrix in the recovery process of dislocations, and then the Co particles are re-dissolved into matrix phase.
Copper Spectra – CuO – The International XPS Database 1
The XPS Spectra section provides raw and processed survey spectra, chemical state spectra, BE values, FWHM values, and overlays of key spectra. Atom% values from surveys are based on sample, as received, and Scofield cross-sections. Atom% values are corrected for IMFP and PE. Peak-fits are guides for practical, real-world applications.