CO-OPT中文 (简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
CO-OPT翻译:(指由现有成员)增选…为新成员,推举…为新成员, 强行拉进;拉拢,笼络, 借鉴,借用(别人的观点)。 了解更多。
CO-OPT Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of CO-OPT is to choose or elect as a member. How to use co-opt in a sentence.
经济学人每日一词:co-opt - 英文之旅
Co-opt 是本周《经济学人》(2025年2月8日刊)标题为“Online scams may already be as big a scourge as illegal drugs”一文中出现的一个单词:
CO-OPT | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
CO-OPT definition: 1. (of an elected group) to make someone a member through the choice of the present members: 2. to…. Learn more.
CO-OPT中文 (繁体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
CO-OPT翻译:(指由現有成員)增選…爲新成員,推舉…爲新成員, 強行拉進;拉攏,籠絡, 借鑒,借用(別人的觀點)。 了解更多。
co-opt 英文意思 | Goong.com - 新一代词典
“Co-opt” 是一个动词,意指将某人或某群体纳入或融入一个更大的组织、活动或计划,通常是为了实现特定目标或获取其支持。
co-opt是什么意思_co-opt的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_爱词霸在 …
Verb 1. choose or elect as a fellow member or colleague; "The church members co-opted individuals from similar backgrounds to replenish the congregation" 2. neutralize or win over through assimilation into an established group; "We co-opted the independent minority tribes by pulling them into the Northern Alliance" 3. appoint summarily or ...
CO-OPT 释义 | 柯林斯英语词典 - Collins Online Dictionary
If a group or political party co-opts a slogan or policy, they take it, often from another group or political party, and use it themselves.
CO-OPT - 含义与翻译 | 柯林斯英语词典
If a group or political party co-opts a slogan or policy, they take it, often from another group or political party, and use it themselves.
CO-OPT definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
If someone is co-opted into a group, they are asked by that group to become a member, rather than joining or being elected in the normal way.