County Sligo - Wikipedia
County Sligo (/ ˈslaɪɡoʊ / SLY-goh, Irish: Contae Shligigh) is a county in Ireland. It is in the Northern and Western Region and is part of the province of Connacht. Sligo is the administrative capital and largest town in the county. Sligo County Council is the local authority for the county.
Sligo - Wikipedia
Sligo is a commercial and cultural centre situated on the west coast of Ireland. Its surrounding coast and countryside, as well as its connections to the poet W. B. Yeats, have made it a tourist destination. Sligo is the anglicisation of the Irish name Sligeach, meaning "abounding in …
斯莱戈郡(英语:County Sligo; 爱尔兰语:Contae Shligigh),是 爱尔兰 的一个郡,位于 爱尔兰岛 西北海岸。 历史上属 康诺特 省。 面积1,837平方公里,2006年人口60,894人。 首府斯莱戈市。 位于爱尔兰西北部康诺特省,面积1796平方公里,人口5.8万。 因系爱尔兰伟大诗人叶慈出生地而著名。 斯莱果郡近一半的土地为牧场。 境内斯莱果湾有3个河口通向德拉姆克利夫、斯莱果和巴利萨代尔三个城镇。 有悠久的渔业传统。 农业除种植业外,还饲养牛、绵羊和家禽。 高原地 …
斯萊戈郡 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
斯萊戈郡 (County Sligo; 愛爾蘭語:Contae Shligigh),是 愛爾蘭 的一個郡,位於 愛爾蘭島 西北海岸。 歷史上屬 康諾特 省。 斯萊戈是郡內行政首都以及最大的城鎮。 斯萊戈郡議會是當地政府部門。 面積1,837平方公里,2022年人口70,198人。
Sligo | Ireland, History, Facts, & Map | Britannica
4 天之前 · Sligo, county in the province of Connaught, northwestern Ireland. It is bounded by Counties Leitrim (east), Roscommon (southeast), and Mayo (southwest); an arm of the Atlantic Ocean forms its other borders. The town of Sligo is the county seat. Nearly half of Sligo is rough pasture, predominantly in the mountains, hills, and peat bogs.
County Sligo Map - Connacht, Ireland - Mapcarta
County Sligo is on the Irish coast in Northwest Ireland and Lakelands. With a population of 65,535 in 2016, the county is little developed beyond Sligo town, and with a haunting scenery of limestone scarps that often feature in the poetry of WB Yeats.
Discover County Sligo: Attractions & Information | Ireland.com
Often known as Yeats Country for how much it inspired his poetry, Sligo is a slice of heaven along Ireland's Wild Atlantic Way – coastal villages like Rosses Point and Easkey are perfect spots …
CHOOSE SLIGO - Sligo Tourism
County Sligo has an abundance of sight-seeing and activities that cater for young, old, adventurous and those simply seeking relaxation. County Sligo is incredible no matter the time …
Home [www.sligococo.ie]
Sligo County Council's Online Consultation Portal allows you to participate in various public consultations and surveys.
Home - County Sligo Travel Information
Spectacular natural views coupled with a rich history and plenty of activities make County Sligo the perfect spot for visitors looking for a taste of authentic Irish hospitality. We've compiled a list of some of the county's top attractions.