Development of low-density γ/γ′ Co–Al–Ta-based ... - ScienceDirect
2020年4月15日 · The present paper reports the development of W-, Mo-, and V-free and Ni- and Cr-containing Co–Al–Ta-based superalloys. In particular, the presence of a metastable L1 2-γ′ phase is experimentally verified in Co–12Al–2Ta alloy. The results show that the γ′ phase stability is improved and the γ/γ′ composition range is broadened ...
Map of CO1 2TA postcode - doogal.co.uk
Map of CO1 2TA postcode in Common.Road, Colchester, England with local information, lat/long: 51.889968, 0.920832, grid reference: TM010252
A new class of high strength high temperature Cobalt based γ–γ′ Co…
2015年9月15日 · We report the mechanical properties for base Co–10Al–5Mo–2Ta (2Ta), and Co–30Ni–10Al–5Mo–2Ta (30Ni2Ta), alloys after peak aging at 800 °C for 10 h. The precipitate sizes in these samples are in the range of 30–50 nm.
Thermophysical and magnetic properties of Co-Ni-Mo-Al-Ta …
2021年10月25日 · Thermophysical properties of Co-30Ni-10Al-5Mo-2Ta- (0,2)Ti- (0,2,5,10)Cr is studied in the temperature range of 25 °C-1000 °C. Alloy thermal conductivity are calculated using measured values of specific heat capacity, density, and thermal diffusivity.
Effect of Cr addition on γ–γ′ cobalt-based Co–Mo–Al–Ta class of ...
2017年6月12日 · The present article deals with effect of Cr addition (10 at.%) on the partitioning behavior and the consequent effect on mechanical properties for tungsten-free γ–γ′ cobalt-based superalloys with base alloy compositions of Co–30Ni–10Al–5Mo–2Ta (2Ta) and Co–30Ni–10Al–5Mo–2Ta–2Ti (2Ta2Ti).
Co-30Ni-10Al-5Mo-2Ta-2Ti-xCr 系列合金(x < 5 at. %)具有维持方形 / 共格组织 的同时,能够显著提高合金的高温抗氧化和抗热腐蚀性能,但过量Cr 添加会降
Co-8.8Al-9.8W-xTa (x=0、0.5、1、1.5、2(摩尔分数,%)) 合金强化相及钽元素对合金高温氧化性能的作用机理 进行研究,为合金的广泛应用提供理论指导。
Co-Re-Cr 基高温合金中的碳化物,Journal of Materials Science - X …
Co-Re 基合金中各种碳化物的成分使用原子探针断层扫描以近原子分辨率进行量化。 Cr 和 Ta 碳化物存在于具有不同形态的合金中,范围从极细(纳米级)到大(微米级)尺寸。
Design of a Co–Al–W–Ta Alloy Series with Varying - Springer
2021年7月15日 · A set of six Co–Al–W–Ta alloys with intended compositions along the γ–γ′ tie-line at 900 °C were designed to contain different γ′ volume fractions based on the phase composition of the alloy ERBOCo-2Ta, that is, Co–9Al–7.5W–2Ta. The microstructural, thermodynamic, and thermophysical properties were investigated.
γ' 相强化钴基高温合金成分设计与蠕变机理研究进展
近年来,随着航空发动机和地面燃机的持续发展,对其关键热端部件的环境抗力和承温能力的要求越来越高, γ ′相强化钴基高温合金在抗热腐蚀性能和熔点温度等方面较镍基高温合金具有优势。 为了促进此类合金的发展,本文基于国内外在合金开发和蠕变性能等方面的研究成果,结合本课题组的研究工作,总结了该类合金在合金化原理、合金设计方法和蠕变机理等方面的研究现状,凝练出了目前该类合金发展存在的关键基础科学问题,并对未来需要关注的研究方向进行了概述。