What is the total bond energy of CO2? - Chemistry Stack Exchange
2016年2月7日 · So, this means that of all the energy values for C=O bonds in various molecules, the ones for CO2 should have the highest bond strength of basically all of them. So, we now …
Why is carbon dioxide considered a Lewis acid?
In the attached figure, 1 is the relevant resonance, implying the carbon in $\ce{CO2}$ is partially positive and therefore may be prone to accept electrons (see the resonance hybrid). In theory, …
How can carbon dioxide be converted into carbon and oxygen?
2012年8月8日 · Thus two oxygen atoms and 1 carbon atom form a double bond between them so more energy is required to break this bond. In this way $\ce{CO2}$ is formed. For converting …
Reaction between NaOH and CO2 - Chemistry Stack Exchange
2016年8月12日 · This question is a great opportunity to talk about state symbols, ionic bonding, and multi-step reactions. Very often when we write an equation for a chemical reaction we only …
Correct pressure of CO2 - Homebrew Talk
2007年11月14日 · Volume of CO2: Volumes of CO2 3.6 Table of Suggested Pressure Settings for a Beer at a Temperature of 67°F. and 3.6 Volumes of CO2 Your keg temperature is Too HIGH …
Baking Soda + Citric Acid + Water = CO2, how much though?
2015年8月10日 · $$\ce{H+ + HCO3- -> H2CO3 -> H2O + CO2}$$ Let's start with a gram of sodium bicarbonate. How many bicarbonate ions are present? The molar mass of sodium …
What is the carbon dioxide content of a soda can or bottle?
2014年3月10日 · General estimates have placed a can of Coca-Cola to have 2.2 grams of $\ce{CO2} $ in a single can. As a can is around 12 fluid ounces, or 355 ml, the amount of …
Making your own CO2 - Homebrew Talk
2012年9月12日 · One vessle for fermentation, another for CO2 capture. So, lets assume the capture vessle does contain 15psi CO2 and other fermentation byproducts (not unlike bottle …
heat - At what temperature does carbon dioxide decompose into …
Disclaimer: I am too lazy to check whether the reaction $\ce{CO2(g) <=> CO(g) + 1/2 O2(g)}$ is more favourable. There is no single tipping point where all carbon dioxide will suddenly be …
Why is carbon dioxide nonpolar? - Chemistry Stack Exchange
2014年7月26日 · Because the two $\ce{C=O}$ bonds in $\ce{CO2}$ are polarized (whereas in $\ce{O2}$ the bond is not polarized) it makes it easier for the polar water molecule to solvate it …