Orbital-selective Dirac fermions and extremely flat bands in
2020年8月10日 · The atomic-resolved STM topograph taken on Co 3 Sn surface (Fig. 1c) shows perfect Co kagome lattice. With an ideal 2D kagome lattice and without complicated magnetism, the electronic bands of ...
Topological flat bands in frustrated kagome lattice CoSn
2020年8月10日 · Here, we report the observation of topological flat bands in frustrated kagome metal CoSn, using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and band structure calculations. Throughout the entire...
Fermion–boson many-body interplay in a frustrated kagome
2020年8月10日 · Here we use state-of-the-art scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy to discover unusual electronic coupling to flat-band phonons in a layered kagome paramagnet, CoSn. We image the kagome...
上海微系统所在kagome材料电子结构研究中取得重要进展----中国 …
2020年8月18日 · 利用角分辨光电子能谱(ARPES)和扫描隧道显微镜/谱(STM/S),并结合理论计算对具有kagome晶格结构的层状3d过渡金属CoSn的低能电子结构进行研究,实验直接观测到紧束缚模型预测的“教科书式”的kagome特征能带结构,并且发现其能带结构具有轨道选择特性。 顺磁的CoSn没有复杂磁性的干扰,并且具有理想的kagome晶格结构。 研究发现,自旋轨道耦合使得dxz+dyz轨道特性的狄拉克点打开能隙约8 meV,远小于dxy+dx2-y2轨道特性狄拉克点的能 …
Flat bands in the CoSn-type compounds | Phys. Rev. B
2020年8月31日 · We propose that CoSn and RhPb deserve the community's attention for exploring flat-band physics. Quantum interference on the kagome lattice generates electronic bands with narrow bandwidth, called flat bands.
Visualizing the Localized Electrons of a Kagome Flat Band
2023年8月17日 · We used scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) to visualize the non-trivial Wannier states of a kagome flat band at the surface of CoSn, a kagome metal. We find that the local density of states associated with the flat bands of CoSn is localized at the center of the kagome lattice, consistent with theoretical expectations for their corresponding ...
Giant Periodic Pseudomagnetic Fields in Strained Kagome Magnet …
2023年3月13日 · Using scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy (STM/S), we show that the Sn honeycomb can be significantly distorted by epitaxial strain, leading to periodic stripe modulations with a periodicity of l = 2.0 nm, ∼3.8 a FeSn. Such modulations also result in differential conductance peaks consistent with pseudo-Landau levels generated by ...
Visualizing the localized electrons of a kagome flat band
2023年12月20日 · We used scanning tunneling microscopy to visualize the kagome flat band at the surface of CoSn, a kagome metal.
2023年12月20日 · In this paper, we use spec-troscopic imaging with the STM on the surface of CoSn thin films to visualize the real-space localization of kagome flat-band electronic states. Interestingly, our study finds that the destructive interference-based localization mechanism in.
Probing topological quantum matter with scanning tunnelling …
2021年3月15日 · In this regard, scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) is an indispensable, high-resolution spectroscopic technique that can work under a tunable vector magnetic...