Corporate Actions Sub-group (CASG) - European Central Bank
The Corporate Actions Sub-group (CASG) formulates and monitors the implementation of harmonised rules for the settlement of corporate actions in T2S markets, in particular the rules …
In T2S Euroclear Finland as a CSD will assign COAF reference for CA events related to securities issued in Euroclear Finland. The DE NMPG is currently working on an implementation of the …
Fact-finding on the use of COAF by T2S markets. The CASG is to assess the summary of the feedback provided by T2S markets on the consultation on COAF. 6. Any other business. The …
How T2S is changing corporate actions - Deutsche Bank
With the introduction of TARGET2- Securities (T2S), the Corporate Action Sub Group (T2S-CASG) was formed to focus on developing market claims and transformations. A prerequisite …
In T2S, all settlement instructions will require matching. Instructions known as ‘unilateral free of payment’ can be replaced by ‘free of payment’ instructions as known in T2S. These …
The T2S Corporate Actions Sub-group runs an annual gap analysis on the T2S markets’ compliance with the T2S CA standards. The purpose of this document is to share the market …
When transformations are made in securities (principal and indemnification), regularizations must be carried out in T2S: Free of Payment for principal, PFOD (Payment Free of Delivery) for …
The reversal of the "market claim" then consists in retroceding the Corporate Action proceeds from the buyer to the seller. Since the move to T2S, mother transactions and market claims …
LuxCSD introduces a new link to Spain (Iberclear) and to Portugal (Interbolsa) via CBF for all securities made TARGET2-Securities (T2S)-eligible by Iberclear and Interbolsa as Issuer-CSD.
TARGET2-Securities: Review of current model and future prospects
2024年6月5日 · TARGET2-Securities (T2S) is a single pan-European technical platform which allows for the settlement of securities transactions in central bank money, in real-time, for the …