Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe - History - Coastal Salish Canoes
The most common canoes in the Coast Salish area are, Northern (Haida), Nootkan/West Coast, Coast Salish, Salish shovel-nosed river and Coast Salish racing. The size range from large …
Coast Salish canoes were used mostly on the calm waters of the many bays dotting the Strait of Juan de Fuca, inland waterways, and the Strait itself. This ancient watercraft was used for …
House of Seven Generations - Celebrating Our Coast Salish Canoe …
Today, over 100 canoes representing as many as 90 U.S. Tribes and Canadian First Nations, and upwards of 12,000 people participate in the annual Tribal Canoe Journey, pulling canoes, …
Ancient Coast Salish canoe project launches - Burke Museum
2016年11月22日 · Cultural staff from the Burke Museum and Muckleshoot Indian Tribe have launched a new project to study this rare type of canoe made and used by Coast Salish …
House of Seven Generations - Celebrating Our Coast Salish Canoe …
The most common canoes in the Coast Salish area are Northern (Haida), Nootkan/West Coast, Coast Salish, Salish shovel-nosed river and Coast Salish racing. The S’Klallam used the …
Free Plans – Coast Salish Style Canoe - PaddlingLight.com
2011年3月25日 · Free canoe plans for a Coast Salish Style Canoe. At over 27 feet, it's fun for big groups. Designed for cedar strip building.
Northwest Coast Canoes - Native American Netroots
2011年12月15日 · Salish canoes were made to master the open ocean as well as the waters of Puget Sound and the straits. The Salish people traveled up and down the coast fishing, …
The Coast Salish - canoemuseum.net
The Coast Salish peoples inhabit coastal and adjacent areas of British Columbia and Washington State. Here, great rivers, calm estuaries, diverse topographies and climate provide bountiful …
Salish Canoes - Maritime Commencement Bay Puyallup Trib...
Canoes of various sizes and design were used by Salish tribes. This medium-sized craft, ca. 1898, was intended to hold up to 5-6 people and used on large streams or protected arms of …
Carving tools & technologies of Coast Salish art | Burke Museum
2010年5月7日 · The Coast Salish people used three basic types: shovel nose canoes for river travel (top), Salish style canoes for travel, fishing, and hunting in the Salish Sea (middle), and …