Cocio | Cocio Delight
Cocio® Delight is the perfect choice if you want the sweet and intense chocolatey taste which Cocio® is known and loved for but in a lighter** form as it doesn’t contain any added sugar (only naturally occuring sugar from the milk) and only 1% fat which is half the amount of a …
据了解,Cocio诞生于1951年,喊出“Nothing but great taste”口号的它, 已经在欧洲风靡70多年,成为了“丹麦国民巧克力奶”。 创始人Anker Pallesen在最初设计配方时, 只使用了三种配料——牛奶、糖、可可粉。 干净的配料表,也受到了各地消费者的欢迎。 自1951年生产第一批Cocio Classic以来,这三种成分就没有改变过。...
Cocio® - Arla
Fresh milk, the best chocolate from Africa and plain sugar. This is Cocio, a favourite among consumers since the opening of the factory in 1951. There have been many varieties of this popular chocolate drink, with Cocio Light and the organic version of Cocio as popular additions to this classic range. THE HISTORY OF COCIO
Cocio | Cocio chocolate milk online here » (Worldwide Delivery)
Cocio Dark is made with 1% extra added cocoa and a real favorite for the dark chocolate lovers. You can buy Cocio online at NORDIC EXPAT SHOP. Get your favorite Danish chocolate milk send to your home abroad, wherever you are. Quick …
新“山姆断货王”诞生,丹麦国民巧克力奶Cocio怎么火的?|界面新 …
2024年2月27日 · 据了解,Cocio诞生于1951年,喊出“Nothing but great taste”口号的它,已经在欧洲风靡70多年,成为了“丹麦国民巧克力奶”。 创始人Anker Pallesen在最初设计配方时,只使用了三种配料——牛奶、糖、可可粉。 干净的配料表,也受到了各地消费者的欢迎。 自1951年生产第一批Cocio Classic以来,这三种成分就没有改变过。 作为一款巧克力奶,Cocio还希望能尽量为消费者的摄入“减负”。 在原料上,品牌会选用低脂牛奶来降低脂肪含量。 营养成分表显 …
2024年2月28日 · 作为一款巧克力奶,Cocio还希望能尽量为消费者的摄入“减负”。 在原料上,品牌会选用低脂牛奶来降低脂肪含量。营养成分表显示,Cocio Classic巧克力奶每100ml的脂肪含量为2.1g,而一款全脂牛奶每100ml的脂肪含量约为3.2g。[1]
Cocio Chocolate Milk: Cocio Light - BevNET.com
Low fat Cocio Light is basically Cocio but made with Skim Milk, reduced fat cocoa, and artficial sweetener. This being said, it definitely has a lighter and more
Er Cocio One og Cocio Light det samme? - skagenonline.dk
Cocio One erstatter Cocio Light som det lettere alternativ til den klassiske chokolademælk. Den har samme lækre smag som Cocio Classic, men indeholder kun
Cocio: Cocio Delight • Ads of the World™ | Part of The Clio Network
The classic Danish Cocio now comes in a lighter format; the Cocio Delight is delicious and without added sugar, which gives a lighter feel for those who indulge in it. In this campaign we dramatize that lightness in all of our assets.
Cocio | Cocio Delight
Cocio Delight er delightfully god. Den har ingen tilsat sukker - kun naturligt sukker fra mælken - og kun 1% fedt. Cocio® Delight tilbyder en balanceret chokoladesmag og er en dejlig og forfriskende kakaomælk. Du kan nyde den kold på en varm dag, men også varm på de koldere dage.