共价有机框架:超越结构的化学- X-MOL资讯 - X-MOL科学 ...
2018年12月29日 · 共价有机框架(covalent organic framework, COF)是化学研究中迅速发展的一个新领域。 在二维和三维中以各种共价键连接原子从而构建框架结构,使COF化学超越了结构而转向了方法学,这也赋予这类新材料广阔的应用前景。 尽管COF中结构与性能的关系已经研究较多,而且也发现了COF不少引人瞩目的性质,但是其工业化应用之路上也存在一些重要挑战,比如化学稳定性、可加工性和规模化合成等等。 近日,来自印度科学教育研究所(IISER)的 Rahul …
A Three-Dimensional sp2 Carbon-Conjugated Covalent Organic …
2021年9月17日 · A first example of an sp 2 carbon-conjugated three-dimensional (3D) covalent organic framework (COF) (BUCT-COF-4) is synthesized via the Knoevenagel condensation of the saddle-shaped aldehyde-substituted cyclooctatetrathiophene and 1,4-phenylenediacetonitrile.
Angew、Chem连续发文,共同聚焦COFs网状化学 - 网易
2022年11月4日 · 在这种情况下,具有正方形平面几何形状和不同功能的卟啉部分已被广泛用作各种mof和cof的4-连接构建模块。与mof中丰富的基于卟啉的4-连接拓扑相比,cof中基于卟啉的网络主要限于[4 + 2]、[4 + 3]、[4 + 4]和[4+6]。
Covalent Organic Frameworks: Design, Synthesis, and Functions
2020年1月22日 · Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) are a class of crystalline porous organic polymers with permanent porosity and highly ordered structures. Unlike other polymers, a significant feature of COFs is that they are structurally predesignable, synthetically controllable, and functionally manageable.
Three-dimensional covalent organic frameworks with pto and mhq …
2023年5月19日 · Herein, we report two highly crystalline 3D COFs with pto and mhq-z topologies designed by rationally selecting rectangular-planar and trigonal-planar building blocks with appropriate...
Covalent organic frameworks: Design principles, synthetic strategies ...
2021年6月1日 · Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) are the emerging type of organic crystalline porous materials, prepared through reticular chemistry with building blocks featuring light elements (such as C, H, O, N, or B atoms), and connected through the covalent bond and extended into two or three dimensions.
Covalent organic frameworks: Advancing antimicrobial …
The ionic hydrogen-bonded organic framework (HOF), COF-4 (Fig. 3 a), integrates tetra-(4-carboxyphenyl) porphyrin within the backbone together with a commercial biocide, quaternary ammonium, as the counterion. The stable channels along with the electrostatic interactions between the framework and counterions facilitate biocide release, that is ...
Donor-acceptor type [4+3] covalent organic frameworks: sub
2020年4月2日 · By reticulating the tetraphenylethylene (TPE)-based and triazine-based moieties into COF frameworks, novel electron donor-acceptor (D-A) type structures were obtained. These TTCOFs have good photocatalytic activity in aerobic C(sp3)-H bond functionalization and arylboronic acid oxidation driven by visible light, with yields up to 94%.
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PI-COF-4和PI-COF-5 COF (s)共价有机框架材料 齐岳供应
2024年6月4日 · PI-COF-4和PI-COF-5是两种特定的聚酰亚胺共价有机框架(PI-COF)材料。 以下是关于这两种材料的详细解释: 1. 合成条件. 温度:PI-COF-4的合成可能需要较高的温度,具体温度可能高达160 ℃。 时间:反应时间可能从1天至9天不等,但为了得到较好的产率和性能,大多数共价有机框架材料至少需要3天的反应时间。 2. 结构和性质. 由于是PI-COF的一种,PI-COF-4可能结合了聚酰亚胺(PI)和共价有机框架(COF)的物理性质,如高温稳定性、机械性能和孔隙 …