This New, Yellow Powder Quickly Pulls Carbon ... - Smithsonian …
2024年11月22日 · About half a pound of the yellow powder could remove carbon dioxide from the air at a level on par with a large tree. Zihui Zhou, UC Berkeley Especially promising is how COF-999 releases carbon...
Carbon dioxide capture from open air using covalent organic …
2024年10月23日 · Here a porous, crystalline covalent organic framework (COF) with olefin linkages has been synthesized, structurally characterized and post-synthetically modified by the covalent attachment of...
This powder removes as much CO₂ from the air as a tree - Los …
2024年10月23日 · Now scientists at UC Berkeley say they can do the same job with less than half a pound of a fluffy yellow powder. The powder was designed to trap the greenhouse gas in its microscopic pores,...
Half a pound of this powder can remove as much CO2 from the …
2024年10月23日 · Now scientists at UC Berkeley say they can do the same job with less than half a pound of a fluffy yellow powder. The powder was designed to trap the greenhouse gas in its microscopic pores, then release it when it’s ready to be squirreled away someplace where it can’t contribute to global warming.
Exotic Powder Pulls Carbon Dioxide from the Air at a Record Rate
2024年11月19日 · When Zhou and Yaghi pumped air through a tube packed with COF-999, the powder captured CO 2 at the fastest rate ever measured, the researchers reported in Nature.
Capturing carbon from the air just got easier - Berkeley News
2024年10月23日 · The new porous material for capturing carbon dioxide, called a covalent organic framework (COF), has hexagonal channels decorated with polyamines that efficiently bind carbon dioxide molecules (blue and orange balls) at concentrations found in ambient air.
Miracle powder sucks CO2 out of the air 'like nothing else out there'
2024年10月26日 · Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley have invented a material in powder form that adsorbs carbon dioxide with astonishing performance. Just 200 g (a little under 0.5 lb) can suck...
COF-999: A Special New Material for Capturing Carbon
2024年12月4日 · Scientists in California have created a new material, called COF-999, which can remove large amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air. The fluffy yellow powder works faster than other materials and can be used over and over again.
UC Berkeley scientists develop tool to combat climate change
2024年11月8日 · Known as COF-999, the powder functions as a magnet that grabs and traps carbon dioxide from open air, even when the gas is present in small concentrations. The carbon dioxide can then be extracted from the material and pumped deep underground into porous rocks, sequestering it away from the atmosphere.
Scientists invent 'yellow powder' that could help solve major …
2024年11月25日 · The discovery of the powdery yellow COF-999 seems to be a more promising tool to help reduce the quantity of CO2 from the atmosphere. The material requires lower temperatures to release the gas than other processes, and it can be held until the CO2 is ready to be sequestered or repurposed.