Porous, Crystalline, Covalent Organic Frameworks | Science - AAAS
2005年11月18日 · Their crystal structures are entirely held by strong bonds between B, C, and O atoms to form rigid porous architectures with pore sizes ranging from 7 to 27 angstroms. COF-1 and COF-5 exhibit high thermal stability (to temperatures up to 500° to 600°C), permanent porosity, and high surface areas (711 and 1590 square meters per gram ...
2019年4月21日 · cof-1是二维六方的平面拓扑,层之间采取ab堆积方式,cof-5也是二维六方的平面拓扑,层间采取完全重叠的aa堆积模式。 图1. COF-1和COF-5的合成与结构式
Covalent organic framework - Wikipedia
Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) are a class of porous polymers that form two- or three-dimensional structures through reactions between organic precursors resulting in strong, covalent bonds to afford porous, stable, and crystalline materials.
Covalent Organic Framework (COF-1) under High Pressure
2019年9月25日 · Experimental bulk modulus and linear incompressibilities of COF-1 are useful for benchmarking theoretical descriptions of van der Waals interactions in solids. COF-1 has a structure with rigid 2D layers composed of benzene and B 3 O 3 rings and weak van der Waals bonding between the layers.
Covalent organic frameworks: From materials design to …
The electron-deficient B atoms in COF-1 accepted electrons from S x 2–, and electron-rich O atoms donated electrons to Li +, leading to the strong chemical interaction between polysulfides and COF-1.
COFs单体的化学机理与应用 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
COFs(Covalent Organic Frameworks)即 共价有机框架材料 或共价有机骨架材料,是指在其延展结构中具有通过强共价键结合的构建单元的二维或三维的有机固体。 共价有机框架材料是完全由轻元素(氢、硼、碳、氮和氧)组成的多孔的晶体结构。 麦克林提供各类COFs实验试剂及其衍生产品,具有纯度等级高、生产工艺先进、支持研发定制等特点,能被广泛适用于各类科研项目、研究实验中,欢迎选购。 本文通过以下几点介绍COFs单体的产品特性及相关应用: 1. 定义. 2. …
COF-1 | Berkeley Global Science Institute
Abstract: Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) have been designed and successfully synthesized by condensation reactions of phenyl diboronic acid {C 6 H 4 [B (OH) 2] 2} and hexahydroxytriphenylene [C 18 H 6 (OH) 6].
有机共价材料(COFs) - 知乎专栏
2023年9月27日 · 2005年Yaghi教授的一篇Science正式宣告COFs材料的问世,Yaghi教授成功制备出 COF-1, COF-5 两个二维材料 [3]。 并通过 红外光谱 、固体核磁碳谱表征其结构,用 粉末X射线衍射 成功验证了材料的晶体性能,最后通过 氮气吸附 计算其孔径,并预示着COFs材料在吸附方面的应用,正因为Yaghi教授的发现,现在COFs材料又被称为“有机沸石”。 COF-1和COF-5. 二、有机共价材料制备及表征. 截至目前COFs材料已经发展到上百种,虽然COFs材料种类众多, …
共价有机框架材料研究进展 - 物理化学学报
Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) are a class of crystalline porous organic polymers, constructed with lightweight elements by covalent bonds. Owing to their low...
Covalent Organic Frameworks: Design, Synthesis, and Functions
2020年1月22日 · Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) are a class of crystalline porous organic polymers with permanent porosity and highly ordered structures. Unlike other polymers, a significant feature of COFs is that they are structurally predesignable, synthetically controllable, and functionally manageable.