The Cognitive Log
2025年3月10日 · The Cognitive Log (Cog-Log) provides a measure of general cognitive abilities that can be obtained at bedside. The creation of the Cog-Log is in answer to the need for a brief measure of cognition that can document progress during rehabilitation and provide an estimate of skills as assessed by more lengthy evaluations.
The Cognitive Log (Cog-Log) is designed to be a quick quantitative measure of cognition for use at bedside with rehabilitation patients. It is intended for individuals who have achieved consistent accurate orientation, such as measured by the Orientation Log (O-Log). The Cog-Log can be used to document cognitive progress on a daily
Cognitive Log | RehabMeasures Database - Shirley Ryan AbilityLab
2012年11月28日 · The Cog-Log measures general cognitive abilities in a cursory way, designed to be used as a companion to the Orientation-Log (O-Log). Instrument Details.
The Cognitive Log Appears Useful for Serial Measurement of …
The Cog-Log repeatedly provided accurate and reliable information about individual cognitive function and recovery. When compared with other more detailed cognitive tests, the Cog-Log was able to estimate overall performance levels on tasks relying on similar thinking skills.
Scoring is from 0 to 3. On some test items, the clinician can provide a “logical cue” (see Cog-Log form for specifics.) For example, question one: Hospital Name, the patient would receive a score of 3 if they are able to spontaneously answer to the question, “Tell me the name of this hospital?”
Cognitive Log - SpringerLink
2017年6月22日 · The Cog-Log is a ten-item scale designed for serial bedside measurement of cognitive functions in individuals completing inpatient rehabilitation. The scale includes items assessing orientation, immediate and delayed verbal recall, concentration, executive function, response inhibition, and praxis.
The Cognitive Log (Cog-Log) provides a measure of general cognitive abilities that can be obtained at bedside. The creation of the Cog-Log is in answer to the need for a brief measure of cognition that can document progress during rehabilitation and provide an estimate of skills as assessed by more lengthy evaluations.
The Cognitive Log
2025年3月13日 · The Cognitive Log (Cog-Log) provides a measure of general cognitive abilities that can be obtained at bedside. The creation of the Cog-Log is in answer to the need for a brief measure of cognition that can document progress during rehabilitation and provide an estimate of skills as assessed by more lengthy evaluations.
The Cog-Log (appendix 1) is a 10-item, quantitative scale designed for serial bedside measurement of cognitive functions in individuals completing inpatient rehabilitation.
Cog-Log Syllabus - tbims.org
2025年3月12日 · The Cognitive Log (Cog-Log) provides a measure of general cognitive abilities that can be obtained at bedside. The creation of the Cog-Log is in answer to the need for a brief measure of cognition that can document progress during rehabilitation and provide an estimate of skills as assessed by more lengthy evaluations.