Colisure - IDEXX US
Learn all about the Colisure water test including an overview of the benefits, science, and how it's used.
Colisure - IDEXX China
Colisure 检测的工作原理. Colisure 检测利用专有固定底物技术酶底物法(DST)营养指示剂 CPRG 和 MUG,检测总大肠菌群和大肠埃希氏菌。总大肠菌群利用 β-半乳糖苷酶代谢 CPRG,使颜色由黄变品红。大肠埃希氏菌利用 β-葡萄糖醛酸苷酶分解 MUG,产物有荧光。
Colilert® and Colisure® (IDEXX) - Weber Scientific
Colilert and Colisure are Grade A Pasteurized Milk Ordinance (FDA/NCIMS/PMO) approved for total coliform for plant and farm source waters. Recognized for use by certified milk laboratories for negative and positive confirmation for total coliform testing. Economical. Dramatically reduced labor costs. No media preparation, clean-up or waste.
Colisure (100-test pack) | Hach - Overview
Simultaneously detects both Total Coliforms and Escherichia coli; positive results have a distinct magenta color. Results valid through 48 hours.
Colisure – Palin Corporation - palineurope.com
Detects a single viable coliform or E. coli per sample. Minimizes evening and weekend work. Up to 12-month shelf life at room temperature. The Colisure Test can be used for presence/absence (P/A) or quantification testing. Quanti-Tray provides counts to 200/100 mL without dilutions.
Colisure* Water Testing Solution | Fast, Accurate, and Reliable
Ensure water safety with Colisure*! This fast, accurate, and reliable water testing solution detects coliform bacteria, providing peace of mind for your health and wellbeing.
Water analysis rapid test Colisure - MedicalExpo
Detects a single viable coliform or E. coli per sample. Economical Minimizes evening and weekend work. Up to 12-month shelf life at room temperature. Flexible The Colisure Test can be used for presence/absence (P/A) or quantification testing. Quanti-Tray provides counts to 200/100 mL without dilutions.
• Colisure results are definitive at 24 hours and can be read up to 48 hours for convenience • Colisure’s distinct magenta endpoint color means there’s no mistaking a positive result • Customers find Colisure’s sensitivity comparable to traditional methods Colisure is used around the world because: Colisure ®
Colisure 水质检测产品信息 - gbmicrotest.com
Colisure ® 利用固定底物技术酶底物法 ® (DST ®) 营养指示剂 CPRG 和 MUG 来检测总大肠菌群及 大肠杆菌 。 大肠菌群利用其 β-半乳糖苷酶分解代谢 CPRG 并使其从黄色变为粉红色。 大肠杆菌 利用 β-葡糖醛酸酶分解代谢 MUG 并产生荧光。
Colisure Presence / Absence (P/A) (WCLS20 & WCLS200) Add reagent to sample. Incubate at 35±C for 24 hours. Read results: Yellow is negative for total coliforms and E. coli. Magenta is positive for total coliforms total coliforms. Magenta/fluorescent is positive for E. coli. Results are defini-tive at 24 hours with a read window that lasts up ...