Printable Colon Worksheets - Easy Teacher Worksheets
A colon is a punctuation that connects two different sentences and resembles two dots positioned vertically (:). Using colons can help introduce information on what preceded the colon. A colon is used to direct the reader to the following information, giving the impression of …
Colon worksheets - K5 Learning
Colons (:) can be used to introduce a list of items, to separate clauses when the second clause explains the first, and to provide emphasis. These worksheets provide practice using colons. Explore all of our punctuation worksheets, from ending punctuation to commas, apostrophes, contractions and punctuating letters and stories. What is K5?
Using Colons Worksheets - Reading Worksheets, Spelling, …
The colon is one of the most versatile of the punctuation marks. It can join clauses, introduce lists, separate minutes from hours, and denote a chapter and verse number. While it has many worthwhile uses, it also gets confused with its “little brother,” the semicolon. Below are our worksheets on this multi-talented punctuation mark.
Using the Colon In writing, the colon has three major functions. First, it introduces a list when the list follows an independent clause. Example: We had healthy snacks today: fruit, nuts, and carrot sticks. Second, the colon introduces a quotation when the quotation is not part of an independent clause. Example: I will quote the words of the wise
Punctuation Worksheets | Colon Worksheets - Englishlinx.com
Colon Worksheets. What is a colon? A colon can be used to indicate a time or list of items. A colon can also be used as an introduction to an explanation. Lastly, a colon can be used for a quotation following an independent clause. Our colon worksheets give good practice with using colons in the context of sentences for the different ways you ...
Using the Colon Worksheet . Directions: Given below are sentences that require colons. Use the colon to correctly complete each sentence. Example: My mom said to her son: “get home from school on time.” Answer: I enjoy my apartment rugs and sofas. 1. The man said it best “We are not afraid!” _____
Colons Practice Exercise 1 Determine whether the colon is used correctly or incorrectly. 1. I play many sports: soccer, lacrosse, and field hockey. A. Correct B. Incorrect 2. My favorite books are: mystery, historical fiction, and fantasy. A. Correct B. Incorrect 3. My cousins’ names are as follows: Richard, Beverly, Jennifer, and John. A ...
Using the Colon | Punctuation Worksheets - Reading Worksheets…
This worksheet features different sentences for your student to rewrite using a colon. Use it with Common Core Standards for 9tth and 10th grade Language or with other students as appropriate. Click to View/Print Worksheet
Colons Grade 5 Punctuation Worksheet Add colons to the sentences as needed. 1. We are studying three wars: the Civil War, the Revolutionary War, and the Gulf War. 2. She says we need to listen to her advice be true to yourself. 3. His doctor says to avoid all dairy milk, cheese, and yogurt. 4. You know what you need to do tell her you’re ...
Add colons to the sentences as needed. colon can be used to introduce a list of items, to separate clauses when the second one explains the first, or to provide emphasis. The teacher made an announcement: “The assembly has been cancelled.” These students have won a prize Stephanie, Joe, and Catherine. You know the person who won Charles Smith.