
#2bb210 hex color - ColorHexa
#2bb210 color description : Dark lime green. The hexadecimal color #2bb210 has RGB values of R:43, G:178, B:16 and CMYK values of C:0.76, M:0, Y:0.91, K:0.3. Its decimal value is 2863632. Below, you can see some colors close to #2bb210.
#2b210f Hex Color Code, RGB and Paints - Encycolorpedia
#2b210f Hex Color Code. The hexadecimal color code #2b210f is a very dark shade of brown. In the RGB color model #2b210f is composed of 16.86% red, 12.94% green and 5.88% blue. In the HSL color space #2b210f has a hue of 39° (degrees), 48% saturation and 11% lightness. This color has an approximate wavelength of 578.86 nm. Color Variations ...
#22b210 hex color - ColorHexa
#22b210 color description : Dark lime green. The hexadecimal color #22b210 has RGB values of R:34, G:178, B:16 and CMYK values of C:0.81, M:0, Y:0.91, K:0.3. Its decimal value is 2273808. Below, you can see some colors close to #22b210.
Mohawk Aladdin Uptown Vision 12" x 36" 2B210 Commercial …
Mohawk Aladdin Uptown Vision 2B210 commercial carpet tile is the classic pattern multi-color style of the Mohawk Flooring Contract Carpet Tile Line. This 12" x 36" carpet tile has a unique color pattern with 4 color combinations to choose from.
#2b210b Color Hex
#2b210b hex color red value is 43, green value is 33 and the blue value of its RGB is 11. Cylindrical-coordinate representations (also known as HSL) of color #2b210b hue: 0.11 , saturation: 0.59 and the lightness value of 2b210b is 0.11.
Amrxuts 234-5055 Upstream Air Fuel Ratio Sensor O2 Oxygen …
2021年5月13日 · Features: The color of the protective tube deposit is between bright white and granular light gray. Oil Pollution Features: A layer of white or gray-black oily deposit on the surface of the protective tube.
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#2DB210 Color Info - Coolors
Get useful #2DB210 color information like combinations, blindness simulation, libraries matching and converson in RGB, HSB, HSL and more.
Aladdin Commercial - Uptown Vision - River Landing | 2B210-559
Check out the Uptown Vision collection by Aladdin Commercial, part of Mohawk Flooring, available right here at Znet Flooring! The River Landing color option, with its dark and moody blue shade, will transform any space into something, like, so cool and stylish.
Aladdin Commercial - Uptown Vision - Town Square | 2B210-949
The Town Square shade offers a sleek, neutral color that fits perfectly in modern, urban spaces, adding a sophisticated yet understated elegance! This carpet tile’s tufted construction ensures it's tough enough to handle high-traffic areas while still looking polished and stylish!
Mohawk Uptown Vision 24x24" Carpet Tile 2B210 at a Great Price
Mohawk Uptown Vision 2B210 is a durable and comfortable feeling piece of Mohawk carpet tile. Mohawk has a great reputation for making quality carpet tiles. Call us today and a sales member will help you get a price that works for you.