Coolors - The super fast color palettes generator!
Generate palettes with more than 5 colors automatically or with color theory rules; Save unlimited palettes, colors and gradients, and organize them in projects and collections; Explore more than 10 million color schemes perfect for any project; Pro Profile, a new beautiful page to present yourself and showcase your palettes, projects and ...
ColorMagic - AI 配色生成器
为您的品牌、网站、艺术或设计项目生成完美的色彩组合。 免费的配色方案生成器,提供十六进制代码、RGB 值等。 使用 AI 创建绝美配色方案! 为您的品牌、网站、艺术或设计项目生成完美的色彩组合。 免费的配色方案生成器,提供十六进制代码、RGB 值等。
颜色搭配 - 菜鸟工具
ColorMagic - AI Color Palette Generator
Color Palette Generator. Free color scheme generator with hex, RGB values, and more. Includes tools for random color generation, name-based palette creation, and AI-driven colormagic.
ColorKit - Color Palettes, Gradients, Inspiration, and Color Tools
For artists and designers, bring your designs to life with our collection of online color tools and color palette inspiration.
Color Pad - 好用的色彩搭配工具|色轮/取色工具/色彩搭配/传统中 …
ヾ (@゜∇゜@)ノ一起创造美丽的配色方案,设计师专门色彩搭配手册。
Color Hunt - Color Palettes for Designers and Artists
Discover the newest hand-picked color palettes of Color Hunt. Get color inspiration for your design and art projects.
Color Palette Generator - Create beautiful color schemes with AI
ColorKit color palette generator allows you to quickly create a color scheme online. Get started by clicking the generate button to find new colors or selecting colors for your palette using the color picker. After making a color palette you can easily copy each color’s color codes to any design application you’re using.
ColorSpace - Color Palettes Generator and Color Gradient Tool
Generate nice color palettes, color gradients and much more! Your space for everything that has to do with color!
Create beautiful palettes with Adobe Color
Discover popular color palettes from the Adobe Color community and search for themes by name, mood or keyword using color search. One click any color theme to edit it directly on the color wheel. Discover popular color palettes in different design industries from the creative communities on Behance and Adobe Stock.