Brain–Computer Interfaces for Communication in Patients
2024年1月29日 · Use of neuronal signals to accurately assess level of consciousness and ability to communicate is a critical early step in linking patients with DoC with their environment via brain–computer interface (BCI). However, the requirements of underlying neuronal substrate integrity that might support BCI use in DoC are unknown.
Brain-Computer Interfaces for Communication in Patients with
We identify clinical and technical gaps hindering the use of BCI in patients with DoC in each of these contexts and provide a roadmap for research aimed at improving communication for adults and children with DoC, spanning the clinical spectrum from intensive care unit to chronic care.
and the Curing Coma Campaign and its Contributing Members
Background: We developed a gap analysis that examines the role of brain–computer interfaces (BCI) in patients with disorders of consciousness (DoC), focusing on their assessment, establishment of communication, and engagement with their environment.
BCI in patients with disorders of consciousness ... - ScienceDirect
2015年2月1日 · Brain-computer interfaces (BCI) might be helpful in restoring some communication ability in these patients. After a definition of the different disorders of consciousness that might benefit from BCI, brain markers able to detect cognitive processes and awareness in the absence of behavioural manifestation are described.
Use of neuronal signals to accurately assess level of con-sciousness and ability to communicate is a critical early step in linking patients with DoC with their environment via brain–computer interface (BCI). However, the requirements of underlying neuronal substrate integrity that might support BCI use in DoC are unknown.
Development of a brain-computer interface for patients in the
2021年1月22日 · Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) technology has been established in the clinical context, but faces challenges in the critical care environment. Contrary to cue-based BCIs, which allow activation only during pre-determined periods of time, self-paced BCI systems empower patients to interact with others at any time.
Brain–computer interfaces for communication and rehabilitation
2016年8月19日 · Brain–computer interfaces (BCIs) use brain activity to control external devices, thereby enabling severely disabled patients to interact with the environment. A variety of...
Frontiers | Effects of a Vibro-Tactile P300 Based Brain-Computer ...
2020年4月9日 · Recent research has shown that non-invasive brain-computer interface (BCI) technology could help assess these patients’ cognitive functions and command following abilities. 20 DOC patients participated in the study and performed 10 vibro-tactile P300 BCI sessions over 10 days with 8–12 runs each day.
An audiovisual BCI system for assisting clinical communication ...
Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), which provide control and communication by detecting changes in brain signals, can be used to evaluate patients with DOC without the need of behavioral expressions. In this paper, we proposed an audiovisual BCI system to supplement the JFK CRS-R in assessing the communication ability of patients with DOC.
Brain-Computer Interface: A Communication Aid? | SpringerLink
2012年1月1日 · A brain-computer interface (BCI) is a system allowing for communication between the brain and the external environment. It is independent from any peripheral neural or muscular activity and it directly converts brain activity into a computerized command.