Redstone Comparator - Minecraft Wiki
A redstone comparator is a block that can produce an output signal from its front by reading chests, lecterns, beehives and similar blocks, or repeat a signal without changing its strength.
How to make a Redstone Comparator in Minecraft
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft a redstone comparator with screenshots and step-by-step instructions.
红石比较器 - 中文 Minecraft Wiki
红石比较器(Redstone Comparator) 是能使红石信号保持、比较、作差或检测特定数据值(主要是容器装载量)的 红石元件 方块。 红石比较器会自然生成于 远古城市 中心的地下室中。 正 …
How To Make A Redstone Comparator In Minecraft
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to make a redstone comparator in Minecraft! A Minecraft redstone comparator is a mechanism that has four basic functions: maintain, compare, and subtract …
Taking Inventory: Redstone Comparator - Minecraft
2020年5月7日 · Today, I’m going to teach you all about the redstone comparator. The comparator was added to Minecraft in version 1.5, alongside hoppers, nether bricks and cobwebs. To …
How to Make a Redstone Comparator in Minecraft - Beebom
2022年9月10日 · Learn to make a Redstone comparator in Minecraft to test Redstone signals. This guide teaches comparator crafting recipe, mechanics, and more.
如何制作 红石比较器 在 Minecraft: 配方和成分
想在Minecraft中制作红石比较器吗?了解如何使用这些块制作红石比较器:红石火把, 石头, 下界石英。详细的制作指南为您呈现!
How to Craft and Use a Redstone Comparator in Minecraft
2021年2月21日 · The Redstone Comparator is a relatively complicated Redstone tool that serves several purposes. It is generally not needed for simple Redstone contraptions but becomes a …
Redstone: Repeater and Comparators - Minecraft 101
Comparators look similar to repeaters, but they have some quite different functions. The crafting recipe is also similar, except you'll need a piece of Nether Quartz. Here's a rundown of what …
Technical blocks/Redstone Comparator - Minecraft Wiki
Redstone comparators have extra, unobtainable item forms corresponding to their block IDs. They can be obtained via the / give command or inventory editors with numeric item IDs 149 and …