  1. Copilot 答案

    How to Calculate Compound Interest: …

    • Compound interest is distinct from simple interest in that interest is earned both on the original investment (the principal) and the interest accumulated so far, rather than simply on the principal. Because of this, ac… 展开

    Finding Annual Compound Interest

    The interest rate stated on your investment prospectus or loan agreement is an annual rate. If your car loan, for example, is a 6% loan, you pay 6% interest each year. Compounding o… 展开

    Calculating Compound Interest on Investments

    Learn the compound interest formula.
    The compound interest formula solves for the future value of the investment after set number of years. The formula itself is as follows: The vari… 展开

    Calculating Compound Interest with Regular Payments

    Compounding interest accounts can increase even faster if you make regular contributions to them, such as adding a monthly amount to a savings account. The formula is longe… 展开
