UAV - Conflict of Nations Wiki
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV’s, or more commonly known as drones) are particularly useful for reconnaissance and surveillance missions, the second tier drones are armed particularly for …
Commercial UAV Expo | Expo & Conference on Commercial Drones
Commercial UAV Expo showcases the world’s leading commercial UAS technology from airframes to sensors, software to services and more. Compare and qualify hundreds of the …
纵横股份 - 可信赖的无人机,源自纵横大鹏 - 成都纵横自动化技术股 …
JOUAV is the industry's best professional VTOL UAS. Incredibly reliable, practicality, and rapid development. They also offer outstanding after-sales service support. They are truly amazing, …
不断更新AI自动识别算法,包含人脸识别、车牌识别、安全帽识别、船只识别等,实现飞行数据的回传、存储、处理一站式应用。 支持市面上主流机场接入,实现机场运行状态监控、远程视 …
智航无人机 - 全方位垂直起降固定翼无人机解决方案
智航无人机是中国工业级无人机解决方案领航者,核心产品为垂直起降固定翼无人机,起飞重量从7kg到230kg,续航时间从1h到10h,产品在物流运输、应急救援、智慧巡检、环境保护、公共 …
LYNX ANTI-DRONE system is a compact air defence solution against drones/UAV’s that was developed and tested for protection of borders, critical infrastructure, airports, prisons, power …
联合飞机集团 - 官方网站
联合飞机是无人飞行技术服务和无人机整体解决方案提供商,专业从事工业级无人机高端智能装备研发、设计、生产、销售和服务。 公司致力于为政府、军方以及商业客户提供无人机装备和 …
RPAS, UAS y UAV: ¿Qué son y en qué se diferencian? - UMILES
2022年10月19日 · UAV: significa «Unmanned Aerial Vehicle» y se refiere a cualquier vehículo aéreo no tripulado que sea controlado por un piloto humano o mediante un ordenador con …
Soluciones disruptivas digitales capturadas y/o gestionadas desde medios robóticos no tripulados. Nuestros servicios tienen alcance en los principales sectores productivos a lo largo …
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Control Methods and Future Challenges
This paper is devoted to providing a brief review of the UAV control issues, including motion equations, various classical and advanced control approaches. The basic ideas, applicable …