How to calc amount of concrete to fill cinder blocks? - Koiphen.com
2008年10月23日 · I don't know what kind of lightweight concrete they have in the bags at Lowes, but cement has a specific gravity of 3.15 which means it weighs 196 pounds per cubic foot solid volume, and most of the sand and gravel that they would use is mostly silica with a specific gravity of 2.65 which means it weighs 165 pounds per cubic foot solid volume, and the only other …
Concrete+rebar-filled block walls: mortared vs. dry-stacked
2006年7月30日 · I see on most of the construction threads involving block walls, that people are mortaring the blocks before filling them with concrete. My understanding is that the mortar provides little if any long term strength; it is the rebar plus concrete that does.
8" Block Fill Calculation - Koiphen.com
2008年8月25日 · Each block has 2 holes each approx 5x5x8 inches. To fill one block you need 400 cubic inches of concrete (5*5*8*2). There are 1728 cubic inches in a cubic foot (12*12*12). Therefore each block will require .23 cubic feet of concrete (400/1728). For 162 block you will need 37.3 cubic feet of concrete (162*.23).
Filling concrete block.. grout or concrete? - Koiphen.com
2005年3月26日 · If you use concrete you have a much greater chance of getting voids in the block.Using concrete would call for a vibrator to avoid the voids. Rebar driven into dirt is worthless rebar should be mucked into wet concrete footers and the blocks are lowered over it.AS you go up each piece of rebar should be wire tied at least twice to the bar below ...
Can you dry stack a curved wall? - koiphen.com
2010年3月25日 · From my experience, curves using cinder block is a MAJOR pain. Cutting would be the best solution, but finding a saw to cut large block is not easy (for 8"x8"x16" block you need a 24"+ blade if it's a miter saw, 18" if it's a radial arm). You can guess that most people don't cut because of this.
horizontal rebar in block wall - one or two, and how to notch
2012年6月5日 · Kwickcut - Thanks for the link and pics. I think you went full bore and filled all of the cells with concrete, so you didn't have the issue of trying to fill only every other column with concrete when there are notches cut into the sides of the block. The concrete would just spill out.
Dry Stacked Block, Surface Bonding Cement, and Xypex C-1000 …
2013年1月20日 · Dry Stacked Block, Surface Bonding Cement, and Xypex C-1000 Admix ... ... Help
Concrete Pool Waterproofing Question - koiphen.com
2008年5月21日 · Hi, I'm a real noob but I know that a conrete/cinder block type pool has to be coated with a material to waterproof the conrete and prevent concrete chemials from entering the water right? Why are these paints black? Can they be white or a brighter color? Is there some reason any of these pools are black? Thanks, Bob
Vertical Rebar in Block Wall..... Thoughts on a modified approach
2014年6月17日 · Drilling into 6-8 hour set concrete would be like a cutting butter with a hot knife, but even drilling into concrete that's been curing for 24 hours would still be like a cold knife cutting through Styrofoam. In other words, still pretty easy. I have never seen anybody use adhesive on blocks like that before.
Insulated Concrete Forms - Koiphen.com
2006年3月30日 · The inside is 6" for concrete and there is 2 1/2" of styrofoam on each side for a total width of 11" My plan was to use concrete block and insulate both sides but when I figured the cost for the blocks and the styrofoam It was less than 20 bucks cheaper.. I paid 15.68 each Travis