Sills - Concrete Designs Inc.
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Precision Concrete Block Shapes and Sizes - RCP Block & Brick
Available selection of precision concrete block shapes, sizes, and configurations. A varity of shapes and sizes are available through special order for your concrete masonry unit project.
Concrete Masonry Sills - Oberfields LLC
PRODUCTS MASONRY Concrete Masonry Sills. Concrete Masonry Sills. 1; 2; Masonry: DesignBLOK Smooth Face; DesignBLOK Split Face; DesignBLOK Sandblast; ... View Available Block Dimensions. Concrete Lintel View Design & Installation Guide. Standard Colors. Aztec Gold Sandblast. Aztec Gold Smooth. Aztec Gold Split Face. Buff Sandblast.
High strength precast and prestressed concrete U-Shape lintels designed to be used unfilled or filled with grout to form a composite reinforced beam using concrete masonry units. LABOR SAVINGS - Set one U-Lintel in lieu of multiple concrete masonry units. TIME SAVINGS - No waiting for shoring to be installed.
Types of Concrete Blocks & Sizes Offered - Cemex USA
Cemex manufactures standard and specialty concrete block, ranging in size from 4 to 16 inches. Styles include: Standard concrete block (double-cell) Single cell block; Solid block; Single scored block; Double scored block; Three-score block; Return corner block; Half-high block; Angled block; Sill block; Sash block; Header block; Bondbeam ...
Concrete Sills & Heads | Concrete Specialists | Moore Concrete
Moore Concrete manufacture a range of heads, sills and thresholds. Our Concrete Window Sills (also known as cills) come in a variety of styles including single course, two course and stooled. Our sills are frequently used in private homes and residential developments.
Concrete Window Sills - Carroll's Building Materials
Concrete Sills will save you time and money while providing a excellent finished project. We offer a large range of sizes, and two profiles common to the Tampa Bay area, Wind Face and Flush. We ship Lintels, Sill, Concrete Block, Stucco, Sand, Mortar, Rebar and Cement.
Sills, Lintels and Pad Stones - Barretts Concrete | NI & Ireland
At Barrett’s Concrete, we offer a range of sills to suit different construction methods. Our collection of dry-cast and pre-stressed lintels and padstones provide a strong support for door and window openings at a competitive price.
Concrete Window Sills - Atlantic Coast Precast
Precast concrete sills are used below windows, ledges, and transitions. They protect the masonry or stuccowork and provide transition between masonry and other exterior finishes. Sills help to complete your project and are designed with a sloping top to assist with water runoff. They can also be used as architectural accents.
Besser® Blocks Range - Adbri Masonry
From full size blocks through to Besser ® Block fractions and the Versaloc ® system, Adbri Masonry has a large range of Australian made concrete building blocks to choose from. The size of a full unit Besser ® Block is 390mm long X 190mm wide X 190mm high.