Confidor - Kisanwala
Confidor is a broad spectrum neonicotinoid insecticide that exhibits excellent systemic properties and significant residual activity and is highly effective for controlling sucking and piercing insects
Confidor Insecticide for Jassids, Aphids, and Thrips in …
Confidor® contains imidacloprid, a powerful insecticide that effectively controls sucking pests like aphids, thrips, jassids, and hoppers in crops such as various fruits and vegetables, cotton, and paddy.
Confidor WG 70 3×5g - Agropests
Confidor® has an excellent systemic and broad-spectrum activity combined with low application rates and long-lasting efficacy. Confidor® can be applied by foliar, soil and stem application, …
Confidor ® 350 SC . Página 1 de 4 . Bayer de México, S.A. de C.V., División Crop Science, garantiza que el contenido de ingredientes activos y contenido neto del producto …
5. Pour the required quantity of Confidor into the sprayer. 6. Add the amount of water that was set by trial while mixing. Application instructions to treat trees and ornamentals: 1. Shake well …
Confidor® es un insecticida sistémico para el control de insectos chupadores vectores de virus en cultivos de solanáceas, cucurbitáceas, ornamentales, cítricos, tabaco, algodón, brócoli, papaya, aguacate, caña de azúcar, …
- 其他用户还问了以下问题
Green peach aphid, onion thrips: When Confidor is used for the control of silverleaf whitefly, including type B, control of green peach aphid and onion thrips will also be achieved.
Confidor® 200 SC Insecticide Label and SDS - Bayer
Confidor® 200 SC Insecticide is used for producing healthier vegetable crops as it controls insect pests, green peach and woolly aphid, grey cabbage aphid, silver leaf whitefly and turnip aphid.
Confidor® 70 WG - Bayer
Confidor ® 70 WG A systemic water dispersible granule insecticide for the control of aphids, red scale, thrips, leafminer and psylla on citrus trees; aphids on cotton, potatoes, cucurbits, …
confidor concentrate 8ml Controls aphids, azalea lace bugs, silverleaf whitefly, thrips, longtailed mealybug, hibiscus flower beetle, harlequin bug, bronze orange bug, Fullers rose weevil, psyllids & soft scale on ornamentals, roses and …