Russell Congalton - Google Scholar
A comparison of sampling schemes used in generating error matrices for assessing the accuracy of maps generated from remotely sensed data. J Xiong, PS Thenkabail, JC Tilton, MK Gumma, P Teluguntla,...
Dr. Russell Congalton – BASAL - University System of New …
Russell G. Congalton is Professor of Remote Sensing and GIS in the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment at the University of New Hampshire. He is responsible for teaching courses in geospatial analysis including The Science of Where, Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry and Image Interpretation, Digital Image Processing, and Geographic ...
A review of assessing the accuracy of classifications of remotely ...
1991年7月1日 · Congalton (1988b) performed sam- pling simulations on three spatially diverse areas and concluded that in all cases simple random without replacement and stratified random sam- pling provided satisfactory results.
Russell G. Congalton has over 35 years of research and teaching experience in remote sensing, GIS, and other geospatial technologies. My research interests are divided,
Russell CONGALTON | Professor (Full) | PhD | University of New ...
Russell CONGALTON, Professor (Full) | Cited by 26,784 | of University of New Hampshire, New Hampshire (UNH) | Read 200 publications | Contact Russell CONGALTON
A Review of Assessing the Accuracy of Classifications of Remotely ...
Included in this review are the classification system, the sampling scheme, the sample size, spatial autocorrelation, and the assessment techniques. All analysis is based on the use of an error matrix or contingency table. Example matrices and results of the analysis are presented.
R. Congalton - Semantic Scholar
1991年7月1日 · Semantic Scholar profile for R. Congalton, with 1338 highly influential citations and 195 scientific research papers.
Dr. Russell G. Congalton Citation | U.S. Geological Survey - USGS.gov
2024年2月14日 · Dr. Russell G. Congalton is being recognized for his foundational work toward standardizing accuracy assessment of products derived through remote sensing. Sources/Usage Public Domain.
"Remote Sensing: An Overview" by Russell G. Congalton
2010年5月15日 · This paper presents a summary of current selected remote sensing technology. It begins with a historical review of the basics of the discipline, and then presents and discusses current methodologies. The paper concludes with an examination of some future considerations.
Congalton, Russell - University of New Hampshire
Currently, I am conducting both basic and applied research on land cover/vegetation mapping and validation of New England forest cover types in southeastern NH using various sources of remotely sensed data including unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and different automated image processing methodologies.