Congenital Hand Differences - Johns Hopkins Medicine
Congenital anomalies are hand or finger differences that are present at birth. Any type of difference in a newborn can become a challenge for the child as he or she grows. Hand differences can be particularly disabling when they are severe as the child learns to interact with the environment through use of his or her hands.
Congenital Hand Differences: Types, Causes, & Treatment - Cleveland Clinic
A congenital hand deformity is a change, or difference, in the typical way your baby’s hand or hands form. More often called a congenital hand difference, most aren’t preventable and many can’t be detected before birth. There are several different types of variations and many different treatment options available.
Children with Congenital Hand Anomalies & Malformations
Of the 1% to 2% of babies born with congenital defects, 10% are born with malformations to the hand. These anomalies occur in early pregnancy and are sometimes diagnosed by ultrasound during pregnancy.
Embryology, diagnosis, and evaluation of congenital hand anomalies
In this paper, we will review the embryology of upper limb development as well as the diagnosis and evaluation of the more commonly encountered congenital hand anomalies. Embryogenesis of the upper extremity occurs between 4 and 8 weeks after fertilization, and the majority of congenital anomalies occur during this period of time [9].
Congenital hand anomalies: etiology, classification, and treatment
In this report, common anomalies of the hand and upper extremity have been reviewed according to the International Federation for Societies for Surgery of the Hand classification system. We examine the epidemiology, etiology, functional consequences, and current treatments available for each anomaly.
Hand Deformities: Congenital Hand and Arm Differences - HSS
2023年10月18日 · Congenital hand and arm deformities can be any abnormalities or differences that affect the shape and/or functionality of the shoulder, arm, elbow, forearm, hand, or fingers when a baby is born.
Identification of syndromes is im-portant not only for purposes of genetic coun-seling but also because associated malformations may directly affect management of the hand deformity. The hand anomaly may be the clue to more serious, initially occult malformations elsewhere.
Congenital hand anomalies - ScienceDirect
2011年4月1日 · Congenital upper limb anomalies affect 0.1–0.2% of all newborns. They are often isolated phenomena but can be associated with other congenital anomalies and may be the only external manifestation of a syndrome. Knowledge of the treatment options is imperative to ensure appropriate referral and counselling.
Congenital Hand Anomaly: Etiology and Associated Malformations
1985年8月1日 · Congenital malformations of the hand may be present as part of syndromes. The recognition of these syndromes directly influences the surgical care of the hand anomaly. The natural history of the disorder may be predicted. The associated malformations may affect surgical timings and the indications for surgical correction.
Congenital Hand Deformities - Physiopedia
Congenital hand deformities are also known as- congenital hand differences [2], congenital hand anomalies [3], congenital hand conditions [4] and congenital hand problems [5]. Congenital hand deformities usually occur between the fourth and eighth week after the embryo is formed.