Contax II - Wikipedia
The Contax II is a 35 mm rangefinder camera. It was released in 1936 and was the successor of the original Contax later called the Contax I. It was the first camera with a rangefinder and viewfinder combined in a single window.
Zeiss Contax II and III - CameraQuest
After photography conglomerate Zeiss fell on its royal laurels with the incredibly unreliable Contax I shutter, it went back to the drawing boards and introduced the Contax II and II in 1936. With the Contax II and III, Zeiss not only had a legitimate competitor to Leica, in many ways it bettered Leica and was often considered THE Professional ...
Zeis Ikon Contax II and III – 毒镜头
Contax II和III的区别在于,III的顶板上装有一个未耦合的硒光度计。 不使用时,仪表单元被金属门覆盖。 因为测光表将使倒片变得困难,所以倒带旋钮比Contax II高,并且包含一个曝光计算器。
Contax rangefinder - Camera-wiki.org - The free camera …
2024年11月22日 · The Contax II was the first camera to incorporate a rangefinder focusing system into the same viewfinder that was used to compose the photograph (earlier built-in rangefinders, such as that used on the Contax I and on contemporary Leicas, required the photographer to first focus with the rangefinder and then switch to a separate viewfinder to ...
相机百科 | Contax 和 CONTAX - 简书
Contax II 是世界上第一个拥有测距取景器的相机,可以更佳方便的进行对焦。 Contax III 型,俗称Universal Contax,为原 Contax II 型之机顶加装硒光电池式测光表,其余性能皆相同,1936年上市。
Contax II | Photographs, Photographers and Photography
2013年4月25日 · Zeiss’s finest rangefinder 35mm film camera, the Contax II, was manufactured in Germany between 1936 and 1941. I was lucky to borrow a used one from a camera store I worked in during my student days, along with the contemporary Leica IIIc, the Contax with the 50mm Sonnar, the Leica with the 50mm Summar.
康泰时(Contax)一锅乱炖:EP1——仓促应战 - 知乎专栏
1932年,蔡司推出了Contax I,而同年徕卡则推出了Leica D(Leica II)。 如果单单从技术数据的角度来看,Contax I对于徕卡简直可以说是碾压式的。 首先是测距基线长度Contax比徕卡要长的多,这也就意味着更好的对焦精度。
Contax - Wikipedia
Contax II, 1936. Contax (stylised as CONTAX in the Kyocera era) began as a German camera model in the Zeiss Ikon line in 1932, and later became a brand name. The early cameras were among the finest in the world, typically featuring high quality Zeiss interchangeable lenses.
The Pre-war Contax II Review Part I – Petrakla Classic Cameras
Ready to shoot with film, take-up spool and a 2.0/5cm Sonnar, the Contax II weighs 775 grams and the Contax III weighs 930grams.
相机百科 | Contax 和 CONTAX | 胶片的味道
2016年10月26日 · Contax II 是世界上第一个拥有测距取景器的相机,可以更佳方便的进行对焦。 Contax III 型,俗称 Universal Contax,为原 Contax II 型之机顶加装硒光电池式测光表,其余性能皆相同,1936年上市。