Zeiss-Ikon Contax III (1939) - mike eckman dot com
2020年8月25日 · This is a Zeiss-Ikon Contax III, a 35mm rangefinder camera built by Zeiss-Ikon in Dresden, Germany between the years 1936 and 1942. The Contax III was an upgrade to the Contax II from the same era, adding a selenium exposure meter to the top plate.
Zeiss Contax II and III - CameraQuest
With its built in meter and combination rewind knob/exposure calculator, the Contax III was noticeably larger than the Contax II. Shooters today usually prefer the II due to the III's larger size and relatively useless by modern standards exposure meter.
Contax - Wikipedia
In 1936 the Contax II and III models were introduced; the only difference between them was the integral exposure meter on the latter model. They introduced the combined eyepiece for both viewfinder and rangefinder, the shutter speed and film wind knob placed on the top plate, fastest shutter speed at 1 ⁄ 1250 s. and finished in chrome plating.
相机百科 | Contax 和 CONTAX | 胶片的味道
2016年10月26日 · Contax II 是世界上第一个拥有测距取景器的相机,可以更佳方便的进行对焦。 Contax III 型,俗称 Universal Contax,为原 Contax II 型之机顶加装硒光电池式测光表,其余性能皆相同,1936年上市。III 型公告总生产数为38,000台。
相机百科 | Contax 和 CONTAX - 简书
Contax II 是世界上第一个拥有测距取景器的相机,可以更佳方便的进行对焦。 Contax III 型,俗称Universal Contax,为原 Contax II 型之机顶加装硒光电池式测光表,其余性能皆相同,1936年上市。III型公告总生产数为38,000台。
Zeis Ikon Contax II and III – 毒镜头
Contax II和III的区别在于,III的顶板上装有一个未耦合的硒光度计。 不使用时,仪表单元被金属门覆盖。 因为测光表将使倒片变得困难,所以倒带旋钮比Contax II高,并且包含一个曝光计算器。
CONTAX III入手配CZJ sonnar 50mm f2試玩 | Chan'Blog 遊攝天下
2012年12月11日 · CONTAX III是使用CONTAX S MOUNT的機身,鏡頭一般叫CONATX RF MOUNT鏡,有兩種接環,一種有對焦,一種無對焦的,有對焦的貴得來支支鏡都用到,不過嘛,有種易壞的感覺。 這回試玩的鏡頭是東蔡的SONNAR 50MM F2,菲林是富士的PRO400負片。 有了基輔4這台RF機還不滿足,要試試CONTAX的真正味道才行,這台也是有測光頂的,貌似好似還真能測光,不過我想要沒測光頂版啦,看起來型多了,古典得像LEICA M,有了測光頂,有 …
CONTAX简史 - xitek.com
Contax III于1936~1945年间生产,在机身顶部有内置测光表,包含了Contax II的所有功能。 大约在1936或1937年间,Carl Zeiss的工程师开始研制一种新型的基于35mm反光取景的照相机。
Zeiss Contax 康泰时 系列大全列表 – 毒镜头
通过Contax IIa,蔡司Ikon推出了一款全新的35mm测距相机,以取代老旧的Contax II / III,这种设计有时会给它的丝绸快门带带来麻烦,必须在一定的时间间隔内更新。
Contax III – Camera Go Camera
4 天之前 · Contax III. Posted on 2025-03-12 2025-03-12 by Peggy Posted in Swaps and searched for Tagged 35mm, camera, chatsworth, contax, contax iii, film, vintage. On my “Current Top Ten” page, I say something along the lines of, I can’t like a camera if I have only tried a rough copy, even if a lot of other people like it. Unfortunately, this ...