Why are Contax IIa / IIIa cheaper compare to Leicas?
2005年7月25日 · The Contax IIa wasn't introduced until 1951 -- six years after the war. Although it shares the Contax name, it's completely different -- from a mechanical standpoint -- from the Contax II. The two cameras share no parts. That is, you …
Contax IIa -- in retrospective - Leica and Rangefinders - Photo.net
2016年5月6日 · helical and resetting to correct the range-scale with the rangefinder; Contax III- very foggy VF/RF; Contax II- replaced the . exposure counter which worked, but could not be manually set- with one from a Kiev 4 (The two parts are identical, later . repaired the stuck original dial); Contax IIa- foggy viewfinder; and Contax IIIa- stuck shutter...
Leica IIIf vs Contax IIa - Classic Manual Film Cameras - Photo.net
2004年10月6日 · COntax IIa - the Jupiter 12 will only fit the COntax II (or Kiev). Kievs are great . value for money (I've seen 1959 examples which look good, for $25 on the 'bay) - but it might be postponing the inevitable, as you will probably end up . buying a Contax anyway.
Recommended lenses for Contax IIIA - Photo.net
2006年2月20日 · If you can find one, a Contax mount 85/2.0 Nikkor is probably the best you can get. The Contax mount lens has a "C" engraved on the barrel; otherwise it looks like the Nikon mount lens. The value-per-dollar winner is the 85/2.0 Jupiter-9. Not a …
Contax Rangefinder and my 'New' Contax IIa - Photo.net
2013年7月12日 · <p>However, the most genuine tribute to the pre-war Contax rangefinder cameras was paid by those who left Dresden with the Americans, instead of the Russians and went to the old Zeiss Stiftung plant for the Contessa, I think, in the Allied-Occupied Zone (ABZ). <br /><br />Since they had no access to plans or machinery, the western Zeiss technicians re-created and improved the original design ...
Contax IIa 50mm f1.5 vs f2.0 - Leica and Rangefinders - Photo.net
2021年11月17日 · These two images are of my West German 50mm f2 Sonnar on the Black Dial Contax IIa. Unlike pre-war versions, post-war West German 50mm f2 Sonnars are rigid (non-collapsible) lenses. Initial West German Zeiss lenses for the Contax "a" models were marked "Opton", From 1954 and later, West German Contax lenses were made in …
Contax IIa shutter repair - Classic Manual Film Cameras - Photo.net
2005年2月16日 · Mike, for a very reasonable price I got a cosmetically one owner very clean Contax IIa on the bay, that had been in storage for 45 years, with a non working shutter at all slow speeds under 1/25s, a blanking shutter at 1/1250s and 1/500s, a very stiff and probably never lubricated lens mount, a very dark viewfinder image.
Contax IIA film takeup spool question - Photo.net
2012年7月30日 · <p>David, your first picture shows the plastic spool found in post-war Contax IIa's and IIIa's, and also found on Contaflex I, II, III and IV cameras too. Apparently Zeiss supplied a plastic spool for the Contax II and III from 1940 onwards, but I've never seen one.
contax IIa accessories - finders - Classic Manual Film Cameras
2005年12月9日 · IIa, is the purpose built Contax 85mm finder - it clips over the vf window, front . and back on the IIa and IIIa, and I presume magnifies, as well as crops. I have . seen them go on ePay for not a huge amount, perhaps becuase you can only . use them on the 50s Contax RFs, not on the Contax II or the Kievs.
Zeiss Contax IIIa - Classic Manual Film Cameras - Photo.net
2024年6月26日 · The Contax IIIa is a Zeiss Ikon professional rangefinder camera which was created at about 1951 and sold until 1962. It's the successor of the Contax III which had been constructed in 1936. From 1932 on, Contax RF was the competitor of Leica until 1954 when Leica M set new standards.