凸包 - 百度百科
凸包(Convex Hull)是一个计算几何(图形学)中的概念。在一个实数向量空间V中,对于给定集合X,所有包含X的凸集的交集S被称为X的凸包。X的凸包可以用X内所有点(X1,...Xn)的凸组合来构造.在二维欧几里得空间中,凸包可想象为一条刚好包著所有点的橡皮圈。
Convex Polygon - Definition, Formulas, Properties, Examples
A convex polygon is a shape in which all of its sides are pointing or protruding outwards. No two line segments that form the sides of the polygon point inwards. Also, the interior angles of a convex polygon are always less than 180°. Convex is …
Convex set - Wikipedia
In geometry, a set of points is convex if it contains every line segment between two points in the set. Equivalently, a convex set or a convex region is a set that intersects every line in a line segment, single point, or the empty set.
Area of a Convex Polygon - Mathwords
Area of a Convex Polygon. The coordinates (x 1, y 1), (x 2, y 2), (x 3, y 3),. . . , (x n, y n) of a convex polygon are arranged in the "determinant" below. The coordinates must be taken in counterclockwise order around the polygon, beginning and ending at the same point.
Convex Polygon (Definition, Properties, Formula, Examples) - BYJU'S
Area of convex polygon can be determined by dividing the polygon into triangles and then finding the area of each triangle and summing up them. The formula to find the area of a regular convex polygon is given as follows:
Area of any polygon (Coordinate Geometry) - Math Open Reference
A method for finding the area of any polygon - regular, irregular, convex, concave if you know the coordinates of the vertices.
Convex area - CSDN问答
2016年12月26日 · Given X, your task is to find the surface area of the convex hull of X, rounded to the nearest integer. NOTE: The convex hull of any point set will have polygonal faces. For this problem, you may assume there will be at most 3 points in X on any face of the convex hull.
Convex Polygon Online Formula Calculator
2024年10月2日 · The area (\(A\)) of a convex polygon can be calculated if the number of sides (\(n\)) and the length of one side (\(s\)) are known, using the formula: \[ A = \frac{n \cdot s^2}{4 \cdot \tan\left(\frac{\pi}{n}\right)} \]
The area of a convex polygon from the coordinates of the …
This online calculator calculates the area of a convex polygon from the coordinates of the vertices. A convex polygon is built from the vertices using the Jarvis March Algorithm (or Gift Wrapping Algorithm)
Area of a polygon calculator - Math Open Reference
Enter the x,y coordinates of each vertex into the table. Empty rows will be ignored. Click on "Calculate". Unlike the manual method, you do not need to enter the first vertex again at the end, and you can go in either direction around the polygon. The internal programming of the calculator takes care of it all for you.