Taylor Hobson Cooke VIIb - largeformatphotography.info
With a coverage over 100 degrees, it is a rare lens and a perfect WA lens for 11x14. It might even cover 7x17. Lens and Repro has a 8" WA Ross asking for $1,500. I am not at all surprised at the ending price. WA lenses of 150mm are not hard to find. Kerry isn't usually noted for wild irrationality. Perhaps he'll chime in. :-)
Cooke series Viib 5 1/4 (133mm) - large format photography
Series VIIb covers 90°at f16 and 100° at f32 and these apertures were suggested for use over these angles. A lens No12,49x at 4.5in was used on 1/2plate. Normally 6.25in was used for 10x8 and 135mm for 1/1plate. Some were coded ANGLIC, probably in later lists, and it was made coated after WW2 and into the 1950's. It was seen at No 125,08x ...
Differences between Cooke series VIIa and VIIb Lenses
2008年5月1日 · Ser. VIIa is a triplet, one of the few wide angle triplets ever offered for sale. Ser. VIIb is a 4/4 double Gauss type. According to the VM, when the lenses were new TTH claimed …
Weight/Size Ratio The lenses are designed for all shooting applications, including handheld and Steadicam, providing comfortable balance ratio with the latest compact cameras. Reliability and Service Cooke lenses are designed to meet a market requirement for fully reliable performance with a minimum of downtime. Cooke Optics
Cooke Compendium - Cooke Optics
This Cooke Compendium, compiled by Barbara Lowry, offers detailed highlights and specifications about each and every Cooke lens series that was published in the many Cooke lens catalogues that reside in our Cooke Archives.
Cooke Wide-angle Anastigmatic Lens - Science Museum Group
Cooke wide-angle anastigmatic lens. F. 4 1/2", 108mm; series VIIB f.6.5-45 (f.11 largest useable aperture) With two lens caps, in leather case. Fits Thornton-Pickard Time and Instantaneous Camera (1990-5036/173).
Pre-Owned - Leica Taylor-Hobson Cooke Wide Angle - Ace Photo
Buy Pre-Owned - Leica Taylor-Hobson Cooke Wide Angle Anastigmat 4 1/4 inch 108mm F/6.5 Series VIIB, 30mm Screw Mount Enlarger Lens at AcePhoto.net
库克镜头 - Cooke Optics
适用于电影和数字化多种应用、斩获奥斯卡金像奖的电影级镜头。 轻松维护,准确且可靠 – 获取库克镜头.
Cooke Optics - Cinematography Lenses
Academy Award® winning cine lenses for multiple film and digital applications. Easily maintained, accurate, and reliable – get the Cooke Look.
Taylor Hobson COOKE Wide Angle Camera Lens, 5.25" / 133mm Series VIIB ...
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Taylor Hobson COOKE Wide Angle Camera Lens, 5.25" / 133mm Series VIIB, f6.5,case at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!