氮化镓HEMT器件的新型Cold FET模型
针对传统的等效寄生电感提取方法,本文推导了用于GaN HEMT器件的新型Cold FET模型及参数提取。 通过对栅宽分别为200μm和1 000μm GaN HEMT的仿真/测试,表明:新的Cold FET模型可用于GaN HEMT器件等效寄生电感的提取。
A new pinched-off cold-FET method to determine parasitic capacitances ...
A new pinched-off cold FET method to extract the parasitic capacitances of FETs is proposed in this paper. The method is based on a physically meaningful depletion-layer model and the theoretical analysis of the two-port network for the pinched-off cold FETs.
(PDF) Theory and Operation of Cold Field-effect Transistor (FET ...
2009年5月1日 · In this report, we describe a technique and its implementation for extracting external device parasitics. The term cold field-effect transistor (FET) refers to measurements taken when the drain...
Cold source field-effect transistors: Breaking the 60-mV/decade ...
2023年4月27日 · In this paper, an overview is given on the FET with cold source (CS) design filtering out the high-energy electrons to realize the lower SS, including the recent progress, future development and prospects.
氮化镓HEMT器件的新型Cold FET模型 - 道客巴巴
2015年4月18日 · 针对传 统的等效寄生电感提取方法, 本文推导了用于 GaN HEMT 器件的新型 Cold FET 模型及参数提取。 通过对栅宽分别为 200 tan和 1 000 胛 GaN HEMT 的仿真/ 测试, 表明: 新的 C o ld FET 模型可用于 GaN HEMT 器件等效寄生电感的提取。
Cold-source FET (CS-FET) | Peng Wu - MIT
Cold-source FET (CS-FET) has been recently proposed as a promising candidate for low-power, steep-slope devices. The device structure of a CS-FET is similar to a MOSFET, except that the source is replaced by a cold source (Fig. 1a), in which the number of modes M S (E) decreases with higher energy E.
A novel cold-FET method for determining extrinsic ... - IEEE Xplore
Abstract: A novel cold-FET method using a capacitive transmission line (CTL) model to extract extrinsic capacitances for the small-signal equivalent circuit of field-effect transistors (FET's) is proposed. The extrinsic gate capacitance (C/sub pg/) and drain capacitance (C/sub pd/) of the FET's are extracted on the basis of the distributed CTL ...
武大郭宇铮课题组在npj 2D Materials and Applications发表“冷源” …
独特的态密度结构使 “ 冷 ” 金属晶体管 (‘Cold’ MetalFET, CM-FET) 的输运局域在费米能级附近,屏蔽了热载流子的属于,从而实现 SS < 60 mV/dec 的目标。 此外,单层 NbS
微波场板GaN HEMTs大信号特性及其模型_GaNHEMT氮化镓科技汇
2020年5月25日 · Angelov经验模型广泛用于场效应晶体管 (field effect transistors, FETs)大信号紧凑模型中。 由于GaN HEMTs有较明显的自热和陷阱效应,故本文在Angelov模型基础上,采用改进的Ids公式: 式中,Ipk0表示最大跨导 (gm)处的漏源电流;Mipkth是以栅压为函数的双曲正切函数倍乘因子;Vpk1、Vpk2和Vpk3用于拟合HEMTs随栅压变化的非对称“钟型”gm特性;α代表饱和电压参数;Vgseff用于表征器件表面陷阱和体陷阱效应的栅电压修正参数;ΔT’ch是沟道的温 …
氮化镓HEMT器件的新型Cold FET模型-期刊-万方数据知识服务平台
2009年3月10日 · 改进等效寄生电感的提取对提高小信号等效电路模型的仿真精度具有重要意义,尤其是氮化镓器件(GaN).针对传统的等效寄生电感提取方法,本文推导了用于GaN HEMT器件的新型Cold FET模型及参数提取.通过对栅宽分别为200μm和1000μtm GaN HEMT的仿真/测试,表明:新 …
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