National decision model | College of Policing
The national decision model (NDM) is suitable for all decisions and should be used by everyone in policing. It can be applied: to spontaneous incidents or planned operations; by an individual or team of people; to both operational and non-operational situations
Police Handbook - National Decision Making Model - Google Sites
The national decision model (NDM) is suitable for all decisions and should be used by everyone in policing. It can be applied: to spontaneous incidents or...
Armed deployment - College of Policing
The NDM is a scalable model that can be applied before, during and after an incident requiring the deployment of AFOs. It provides a framework for recording command decisions and the rationale behind them and can also be used to brief officers involved in the response.
National Decision Making Model.pdf - WhatDoTheyKnow
The Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) has approved the adoption of a single National Decision Model (NDM) for the Police Service. The ACPO Ethics Portfolio and the National Risk Coordination Group have developed this values-based tool to provide a simple, logical and evidence-based approach to making policing decisions.
The Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) has approved the adoption of a single National Decision Model (NDM) for the Police Service. The ACPO Ethics Portfolio and the National Risk Coordination Group have developed this values-based tool to provide a simple, logical and evidence-based approach to making policing decisions. 2.
National Decision Model | Dorset Police 2024 | Dorset Police
To help with this decision-making and to provide a framework in which they can be examined and challenged, both at the time and afterwards, the police service has adopted a single, national decision model (NDM). The NDM has six key elements: Gather information and intelligence. Assess threat and risk and develop a working strategy.
The National Decision Model (NDM) is suitable for all decisions and should be used by everyone in policing. It can be applied: to spontaneous incidents or planned operations by an individual or team of people to both operational and non-operational situations.
the National Decision Model (NDM), a five-stage process that revolves around the police code of ethics. In the UK, police officers use the NDM when responding to unplanned incidents and also
National decision model | College of Policing
2013年10月23日 · To help everyone in policing make decisions and to provide a framework in which decisions can be examined and challenged, both at the time and afterwards, the police service has adopted a single, national decision model (NDM). The model has at its centre the Code of Ethics as the touchstone for all decision making. Using the model encourages ...
Interoperability of the National Decision Making Model
2017年11月14日 · The NDM is a risk assessment and decision making process. It was created by the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) as a replacement / update for the Conflict Management Model. This new model could be used across the board for any type of decision.