Copreneurs: An Exploration and Comparison to Other
2002年3月1日 · Couples who run their own businesses are the smallest unit of a family business and are referred to as copreneurs (Barnett & Barnett, 1988). They share a commitment to and responsibility for...
Redefining copreneurs: a four decadal review adopting computer …
2024年11月4日 · The study defines copreneurs and presents a four decadal review on copreneurial literature. The purpose is to bring conceptualization and characterization of copreneurs, on surface from its fragmented literature. A structured literature review on copreneurship research published between 1984 and 2023 is conducted.
Copreneurship in Career Development - IResearchNet
Coentrepreneurs are any combination of two or more parties involved together in the operation of a business irrespective of marital status, gender, and division of work tasks and functions among them.
What is Copreneurs | IGI Global Scientific Publishing
What is Copreneurs? Definition of Copreneurs: Couples who focus on the same entrepreneurial activities ( Greenhaus & Callanan, 2006 ).
Copreneurs: An Exploration and Comparison to Other Family Businesses ...
On average, copreneurial households are more likely to live in a rural area, have spouses working more weeks per year in the business, and have home-based businesses than are noncopreneurial households. Copreneurs report significantly lower levels on all objective and subjective measures of financial success than do noncopreneurs.
Copreneurs and Dual-Career Couples: Are They Different?
The findings indicate that copreneurs and dual-career couples define their work and home boundaries very differently. Recommendations for professional practice include (1) expanding the consultant's consciousness about these differences in couples, and (2) encouraging more egalitarian relationships between copreneurial husband and wife so as to ...
ERIC - ED468233 - Copreneurs. CELCEE Digest., 2002-Jun
Husband-and-wife teams constitute the most visible and most researched category of copreneurs. According to a 1997 study, 30% of family businesses were run by copreneurs. Compared with conventional dual-earning couples, copreneurs tend to be older, more likely to live in suburban or rural areas, and more highly educated.
Copreneurs experience work–family conflict (WFC), which can have a negative effect on business sustainability. The purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore strategies that copreneurs used in managing WFC to achieve business sustainability for longer than 10 years. Three copreneurs from 3 copreneurial businesses located ...
At the heart of family businesses: how copreneurs craft work …
2021年3月30日 · The purpose of this paper is to understand how experienced copreneurs of small family business (SFB), as the smallest unit and heart of their family business (FB), may create work-life balance (WLB). Copreneurs evince highly intertwined life-domains and often struggle to respite while managing their high business demands.
Couples Who Work Together – The Copreneur Concept - The …
2008年9月2日 · The term copreneurs can refer to any related partners in a family business. Life partners need to always remember that their connection as a couple comes before their business partnership. I have learned this from 20+ years of my own couplepreneurship as well as coaching and interviewing scores of successful couplepreneurs.