Corchorus - Wikipedia
Corchorus is a genus of about 40–100 species of flowering plants in the family Malvaceae, native to tropical and subtropical regions throughout the world. [1] Different common names are used …
Corchorus olitorius - Wikipedia
Jute mallow or Jew's mallow or Nalita jute (Corchorus olitorius, also known as "Jute leaves", [2] "Tossa jute", "Mloukheyeh" and "West African sorrel") is a species of shrub in the family …
Jute Facts, Health Benefits and Nutritional Value
2016年6月16日 · Jute (Corchorus olitorius) is an edible leafy vegetable which is a member of genus Corchorus classified under the subfamily Grewioideae of the family Malvaceae. It is …
Corchorus | Jute, Fibres & Textiles | Britannica
Corchorus, genus of some 40–100 species of flowering plants of the hibiscus, or mallow, family (Malvaceae). The bark of C. capsularis and to a lesser extent that of C. olitorius constitute the …
Pharmacological and phytochemical biodiversity of Corchorus …
2022年12月22日 · Corchorus olitorius L. is a nutritious green leafy vegetable that is eaten as a viscous soup in African and Middle Eastern cultures. The purpose of this review is to highlight …
Corchorus - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The genus Corchorus is distributed throughout the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. According to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2008, the genus Corchorus consists of …
A Comprehensive Review of C. capsularis and C. olitorius: A Source …
Corchorous is a genus of annual herbs belonging to the Tiliaceae family that contains about 50–60 species, but only two species, C. olitorius and C. capsularis, are well-known for …
Corchorus olitorius | PlantZAfrica - SANBI
Corchorus olitorius is a leading leaf vegetable in most parts of Africa, including South Africa, where it falls under the category of leafy vegetables called morogo. All the parts of the plant …
CORCHORUS Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of CORCHORUS is a widely distributed genus of tropical herbs or undershrubs (family Tiliaceae) having large leaves and yellow flowers in cymose clusters.
Corchorus capsularis - Wikipedia
Corchorus capsularis (also known as patsun), commonly known as white jute, [2] is a shrub species in the family Malvaceae. It is one of the sources of jute fibre, considered to be of finer …