CORE - Bubble Gum Simulator Wiki
The CORE is a Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. It could have been obtained by opening a Core Egg. The chance of hatching it was 0.005% (1 in 20,000), or 0.01% (1 in 10,000) with …
Borehole core collections - British Geological Survey
BGS holds a collection of continuous borehole core, broken core and cuttings in Keyworth and a hydrogeological materials collection in Wallingford.
Borehole materials database - British Geological Survey
The British onshore borehole collection database of core and sample types and depths contains records of over 15 000 onshore boreholes. Material types include continuous drillcore, core …
NGR facilities - British Geological Survey
The BGS operates the largest core facility in the UK at Keyworth, Nottingham. It has recently been extended and now has space for over 18 000 pallets of drillcore and 80 000 trays of samples, …
Core Egg - Bubble Gum Simulator Wiki
The Core Egg was an egg located in the Shadow Realm in Bubble Gum Simulator. It could have been purchased for 1,000,000 Gems. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless …
Onshore borehole material database - British Geological Survey
The BGS British onshore borehole collections contain approximately 15 000 boreholes, most of which are stored at Keyworth. Borehole material is held in a number of different forms, please …
CORE – Aggregating the world’s open access research papers
We are proud to support CORE’s important work [as part of Microsoft’s Open Data campaign] of making more scientific scholarly content openly available, helping foster innovation, including …
BGS Lexicon of Named Rock Units - Result Details
Gypsum/anhydrite, locally of economic importance, is common throughout in beds, nodules and veins. Many of these sulphate beds have been named (e.g. Tutbury Gypsum and Newark …
Offshore Hydrocarbon Wells | British Geological Survey (BGS)
The UK Continental Shelf (offshore) hydrocarbon well collection contains material from approximately 8000 wells, including over 300 km of drillcore and 4.5 million samples of …
UK Geoenergy Observatories
The UK Geoenergy Observatories include a £1.4 million state-of-the-art core-scanning facility based at the British Geological Survey (BGS) in Keyworth. The Core Scanning Facility (CSF) …
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