C-47A Skytrain 1:72 Diecast Model - Corgi CG-AA38211 - $149.95
Corgi's 1:72 scale DC-3 series pays tribute to one of the most significant transport aircraft ever made, with releases ranging from military transports to iconic passenger airliners. The fuselage includes transparent windows and a large cockpit windscreen for easy viewing of pilot figures, with two metal "L" shape pitot tubes mounted below.
Corgi Engine 教學 - CG
Corgi Engine 是一套支援 Unity 的遊戲開發工具,可用於開發單機與行動裝置遊戲。 基本上 Corgi Engine 可以提供您製作 2D / 2.5D 動作遊戲所需要的各種功能。 Corgi Engine 線上展示 連結
Corgi Engine 遊戲角色製作 - CG
Corgi Engine 提供多個遊戲角色預製物件,開啟 [ CorgiEngine > Demos > Corgi2D > Prefabs > PlayableCharacters ] 資料夾。 遊戲角色的動作 走路、跑步、跳躍、多重跳躍 (可設定需要的連跳次數)
TSR.2 1:72 Diecast Model - Corgi CG-AA38604 - $199.95 - Flying …
Corgi's 1:72 scale TSR.2 is constructed almost entirely of diecast metal with only the smallest amount of plastic used. This model is heavy, weighing more than one and a half pounds. The nose correctly includes both the gold-tinted pilot and …
Corgi - CG-AA37811 - Albatros D.V Luftstreitkraf - eBay
Designed by Robert Thelen then refined and lightened, the Albatros D.V was the preeminent fighter during the period of German aerial dominance- first flown in 1917. The Albatros could now attain altitudes of over 3,000 feet in only five minutes and with improved stability and firepower and the Albatros system continued to dominate the skies.
B-24 Bomber Bat Out of Hell Corgi, Corgi CG-CS90416 - Aiken's …
Buy Our Corgi Showcase Collection B-24 Bomber "Bat Out of Hell" - Nose Art. An American heavy bomber, built by Consolidated Aircraft, and many more collectibles available at Aiken's Airplanes!
P-38 Lightning Corgi CG-CS90196 for sale online - eBay
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for P-38 Lightning Corgi CG-CS90196 at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
Spitfire Mk II 1:72 Diecast Model - Corgi CG-CC39215 - $94.95
Engage in the ultimate dogfight with Corgi's incredible 1:72 scale "Aces High" Supermarine Spitfire MkII, paying tribute to the LP artwork of the legendary Iron Maiden song in die-cast metal! This isn't just any model - it combines the best of British engineering and metal madness.
Set Their Finest Hour - WWII (4) piece Corgi - Aiken's Airplanes …
Buy Our Corgi Showcase Collection Their Finest Hour - WWII (4) piece set. A wonderful set of Their Finest Hour, and many more collectibles available at Aiken's Airplanes!
Corgi Engine 教學 - CG
Corgi Engine AI 角色. 開啟 [ CorgiEngine > Demos > Corgi2D > Prefabs > AI ] 資料夾,收錄多個 NPC 預製物件,拖曳到場景即可使用。 被動敵方角色. 碰觸時立即掛掉的敵方角色,例如 Urchin 仙人掌。 套用 Kill Player On Touch 腳本元件到敵方角色即可。 靜止、不主動攻擊玩家的角色。