Managing Corneal GP Complications - reviewofcontactlenses.com
2017年11月15日 · Epithelial punctate staining can occur during GP lens wear for several reasons. Peripheral corneal desiccation, particularly 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock staining, pertains to the area of the cornea not adequately resurfaced with tears (Figure 1). This can occur due to the contact lens fit, incomplete blink or the patient’s lid positioning. 1. Fig. 1.
Contact Lens–Related Complications - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
2023年6月11日 · This occurs due to corneal desiccation because of interruption of tear film or reduction of tear film at the nasal and temporal limbus. The main risk factors are poor lens edge tilt, limited lens movement, low riding lens, poor blink rate, presence of pinguecula, and adherence to the lens surface.
Corneal desiccation—Clinical management - ScienceDirect
1990年1月1日 · Corneal desiccation can be present as mild punctate staining (Figure 1) and can progress to severe neovascularization and scarring (Figure 2). I have invited two distinguished colleagues to discuss this common rigid lens complication.
Management of 3 and 9 o’clock staining - Vision Magazine Online
2019年12月5日 · Peripheral corneal desiccation (PCD) or 3 and 9 o’clock staining is the horizontal drying of the cornea and/or on the adjacent conjunctiva displaying a hallmark fluorescein stain. Both types cause mostly conjunctival redness and, sometimes, conjunctival oedema.
Corneal desiccation in rigid contact lens wear: 3- and 9-o'clock ...
In total, 11 treatment options for the management of 3- and 9-o'clock staining were found in the literature. Five of these treatment options are related to lens parameters, namely edge lift, edge thickness and shape, back surface geometry, total diameter, and back optic zone radius.
Contact lenses in dry eye disease and associated ocular surface ...
Patients with ocular surface disease (OSD) may have associated corneal scarring and neovascularization with poor or unstable tear film contributing to reduced vision. Patients with DED at any stage of the disease suffer from constant discomfort, pain, and role limitation that greatly affect their quality of life. [5] .
Corneal desiccation staining with hydrogel lenses: tear film and ...
This investigation monitored the response of established contact lens wearers using contact lenses made from Filcon 4a 77% water-content material in three different thicknesses (0.08, 0.10 and 0.12 mm) over a 6-hour period of wear under adverse environmental conditions. The results obtained showed the following.
Peripheral corneal desiccation is one of the most common and intractable sequelae of rigid contact lens wear, and has been discussed extensively in the liter-
Effect of lens design on peripheral corneal desiccation
Background: Management of peripheral corneal desiccation (PCD; also known as 3 and 9 o'clock staining) has challenged rigid-lens fitters since the early days of corneal contact lenses. This study investigated effects of changing diameter and edge lift on severity of staining in two groups of rigid extended wear patients: stainers and nonstainers.
Corneal desiccation—Clinical management - ScienceDirect
1990年1月1日 · This article describes a patient found to have bilateral peripheral corneal scarring in the presence of apparently normal ocular anatomy and physiology. It is likely that this occurred as a result of long-term peripheral corneal staining …