CoRoT-7 c - Science@NASA
2024年10月25日 · CoRoT-7 c is a Neptune-like exoplanet that orbits a K-type star. Its mass is 8.4 Earths, it takes 3.7 days to complete one orbit of its star, and is 0.046 AU from its star. Its …
CoRoT-7c - Wikipedia
CoRoT-7c is an extrasolar planet which orbits the G-type main sequence star CoRoT-7, located approximately 489 light years away in the constellation Monoceros. It is either a super-Earth or …
柯洛7c - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
柯洛7c是一颗环绕corot-7运行的太阳系外行星,位于麒麟座,距离地球约497光年。 它在2009年由 法国 主持的 柯洛计划 所发现。 它的质量是地球的8.4B倍,和COROT-7的平均距离为0.046个 …
CoRoT-7 - Wikipedia
CoRoT-7 (TYC 4799-1733-1) is a binary star system made up of a late G-type star [1] and a M-dwarf star that was discovered in 2021. [3] The primary star has three exoplanets , [ 5 ] …
CoRoT-7 | NASA Exoplanet Archive
Thirty systems with space-based light curves. Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission VIII. CoRoT-7b: the first Super-Earth with measured radius.
The CoRoT-7 planetary system: two orbiting super-Earths
We attribute the second signal to a second, more remote planet CoRoT-7c . The orbital solution of both planets is compatible with circular orbits. The mass of CoRoT-7b is ( ) and that of CoRoT …
COROT-7 - 百度百科
COROT-7 (柯洛7),是一颗位于 麒麟座 的G9V型恒星,比太阳稍小,距离地球约489光年,视星等为11.7,裸眼无法直接看到它。 研究发现COROT-7的表面温度为5275K,质量是太阳 …
[2206.14216] The impact of two non-transiting planets and stellar ...
2022年6月28日 · Here we present an analysis of the HARPS archival RV data of CoRoT-7 using a new wavelength-domain technique, scalpels, to correct for the stellar activity-induced …
CoRoT-7 c - Open Exoplanet Catalogue
The planetary system CoRoT-7 hosts at least 3 planets. This list shows all planetary and stellar components in the system. It gives a quick overview of the hierarchical architecture. This table …
COROT-7c | Planetpedia | Fandom
COROT-7c is possibly a large terrestrial planet. [1] Unlike previous "COROT" exoplanets COROT-7c wasn't discovered by the COROT mission. [1] Community content is available under CC-BY …