SOLUTION: find the exact value of cos 405 degrees oftthis …
Question 972825: find the exact value of cos 405 degrees oftthis trigonometric function Answer by ...
SOLUTION: Cos(-540 degrees) - tan 405 degrees. I converted the …
if I use my calculator, i get4 cos(-540) = -1 and tan(405) = 1 this makes cos(-540) minus tan(405) equal to -1 - 1 = -2. not sure where you got .5 from. I also converted to pi radians and got the same answer. -540 degrees is equal to -9.424777961 radians 405 degrees is equal to 7.068583471 radians cos(-9.424777961 radians) is equal to -1.
Note: You are not allowed to use decimals in your answer.
cos(202.5) = cos(405/2)-----The half-angle formula for cosine is tedious. Cos^2 is much simpler. ...
SOLUTION: Evaluate each equation. Give exact values without a ...
Evaluate each equation. Give exact values without a calculator. 1.cos 405 ** Identity: cos(s+t)=cos s cos ...
find the exact value of: sin 405. - Algebra Homework Help
Algebra -> Trigonometry-basics-> SOLUTION: find the exact values of six trignometric functions of 0 if the terninal side of 0 in standard position contains the points (-5,-4) find the exact value of: sin 405. Log On
1. Find the exact value of cot(-pi/6) - Algebra Homework Help
The cot is cos/sin. The sin of 30 degs is 1/2, and the cos in sqrt(3)/2. (Can you use those, or do you need a proof?) cot(-30) = -(sqrt(3)/2)/(1/2) = -sqrt(3)-----2. Find the exact value of: sin 405 degrees Trig functions are cyclic with a 360 deg cycle. You can subtract 360 from the angle any number of times, until it's less than 360.
a. 2 sin 240⁰ + 𝑐𝑜𝑠2135° + 2 tan 360° - Algebra Homework Help
Question 1194317: Evaluate a. 2 sin 240⁰ + 𝑐𝑜𝑠2135° + 2 tan 360° b. 𝑡𝑎𝑛 2210° − csc 15° + sin 405°
SOLUTION: Evaluate Sec 660degrees + Cot 405degrees without …
Make reference to the common angles on the unit circle, and take the values for sec(660) and cot(405) that way, and do your computations. Answer by Alan3354(69443) ( Show Source ): You can put this solution on YOUR website!
SOLUTION: Find The value of cos2x if cotx=12/5, where pi < x <3pi/2
You can put this solution on YOUR website! Find The value of cos2x if cotx=12/5, where pi x 3pi/2 cotx=12/5(working with a (5-12-13) reference right triangle in quadrant III in which sin0, cos0
SOLUTION: Evaluate: tan^2 (-405°) - sec^2 (-405°) + cos 900° …
Question 967036: Evaluate: tan^2 (-405°) - sec^2 (-405°) + cos 900° Thank you Answer by MathLover1 ...