Sine, Cosine and Tangent - Math is Fun
Sine, Cosine and Tangent (often shortened to sin, cos and tan) are each a ratio of sides of a right angled triangle: For a given angle θ each ratio stays the same no matter how big or small the triangle is
Sine and cosine - Wikipedia
The sine and cosine of an acute angle are defined in the context of a right triangle: for the specified angle, its sine is the ratio of the length of the side opposite that angle to the length of the longest side of the triangle (the hypotenuse), and the cosine is the ratio of the length of the adjacent leg to that of the hypotenuse.
数学 三角函数 sin 正弦、cos 余弦、tan 正切、cot 余切、sec 正割 …
正弦 (sine), 余弦 (cosine) 和 正切 (tangent) (英语符号简写为 sin, cos 和 tan) 是 直角三角形 边长的比: 对一个特定的角 θ 来说,不论三角形的大小, 这三个比是不变的
正弦、余弦和正切 - 数学乐
正弦 (sine), 余弦 (cosine) 和 正切 (tangent) (英语符号简写为 sin, cos 和 tan) 是 直角三角形 边长的比: 计算方法: 用一条边的长度除以另一条边的长度. 例子: 35°的正弦是多少? = 0.57... = 0.82…… = 0.70…… 好的计算器都会有 sin, cos 和 tan 的键,方便计算。 你只需输入角度然后按键。 可是你还是要记得它们的意思! 用图来显示: Well Done! 怎样去记住? 想想,用这个怪怪的英文单词 "Sohcahtoa"! Soh... ...cah... 去这页 sohcahtoa 了解更多。 记住它,考试时 …
三角函数的sin和cos怎么互换? - 百度知道
cos(x) = sin(π/2 - x) 这两个公式表示,对于一个角度x,它的正弦值等于余弦函数在π/2 - x角度上的值,而余弦值等于正弦函数在π/2 - x角度上的值。 2.
三角函数sin cos tan和弧度,度等定义及其相关 - CSDN博客
2022年12月20日 · 正弦 (sine), 余弦 (cosine) 和 正切 (tangent) (英语符号简写为 sin, cos 和 tan) 是 直角三角形 边长的比:对一个特定的角θ来说,不论三角形的大小,这三个比是不变的sec(θ) = 斜边 / 邻边(=1/cos)csc(θ) = 斜边 / 对边(=1/sin)cot(θ) = 邻边 / 对边(=1/tan)在直角三角形 …
5. Signs of the Trigonometric Functions - Interactive Mathematics
In the second quadrant (II), sine (and cosec) are positive. In the third quadrant (III), tan (and cotan) are positive. In the fourth quadrant (IV), cos (and sec) are positive. These just follow from the sign (+ or -) of x or y for each quadrant, as we saw above. These signs are important when we are finding an angle from a given ratio.
三角函數公式整理|cos、sin、tan、幾何運算|學呀 基礎數學
三角函數,是人們用來表示三角形上邊長與邊長之間關係的函數。 當我們觀察一個直角三角形時,我們可以將各個函數定義作如下(adj adj 為鄰邊; opp opp 為對邊; hyp hyp 為斜邊): \sin (\theta) = \frac {opp} {hyp} \text { , } \cos (\theta) = \frac {adj} {hyp} sin(θ) = hypopp , cos(θ) = hypadj. \csc (\theta) = \frac {hyp} {opp} \text { , } \sec (\theta) = \frac {hyp} {adj} csc(θ) = opphyp , sec(θ) = adj hyp.
Trigonometry Formulas & Identities (Complete List) - BYJU'S
The six trigonometric functions are sine, cosine, secant, cosecant, tangent and cotangent. By using a right-angled triangle as a reference, the trigonometric functions and identities are derived: sin θ = Opposite Side/Hypotenuse
Introduction to Trigonometry - Math is Fun
For any angle " θ ": (Sine, Cosine and Tangent are often abbreviated to sin, cos and tan.) Example: What is the sine of 35°? Using this triangle (lengths are only to one decimal place): sin (35°) = Opposite Hypotenuse = 2.8 4.9 = 0.57... The triangle could be larger, smaller or turned around, but that angle will always have that ratio.