What does cosx sinx equal? - Socratic
Mar 7, 2016 · So we have cos(x)sin(x) If we multiply it by two we have 2cos(x)sin(x) Which we can say it's a sum cos(x)sin(x) + sin(x)cos(x) Which is the double angle formula of the sine …
What is sin/cos + cos/sin, and why? - Socratic
Apr 15, 2015 · The problem here is "how far back do we need to go?" when we try to explain "why?" Assuming that the following identities are known: sin^2 (x)+cos^2 (x) = 1 and sin ...
How do you find cos (sin^-1x-cos^-1y)? | Socratic
Sep 30, 2016 · "The Reqd. value="ysqrt (1-x^2)+xsqrt (1-y^2). Let, sin^-1x=alpha, and,cos^-1y=beta We will consider only one case, namely, 0lex,yle1. Hence, 0 le alpha, beta le pi/2. …
Solve cos (cos (cos (x)))=sin (sin (sin (x))) ? | Socratic
Nov 20, 2017 · Graph for solution 5-sd X = cos x = 0.57332. Of course, from symmetry, −0.57332 is the second solution. graph {y-cos x+pi/2 - sin ( (1-x^2)^0.5)=0 [0.57331 0.57333 -.0001 …
What is sin (x)+cos (x) in terms of sine? - Socratic
Apr 15, 2015 · Please see two possibilities below and another in a separate answer. Using Pythagorean Identity sin^2x+cos^2x=1, so cos^2x = 1-sin^2x cosx = +- sqrt (1-sin^2x) sinx + …
What is tan (45), sin (45) and cos (45)? | Socratic
Nov 17, 2017 · tan (45^@)=1 sin (45^@)=sqrt2/2 cos (45^@)=sqrt2/2 45^@ is a special angle, along with 30^@, 60^@, 90^@, 180^@, 270^@, 360^@. tan (45^@)=1 sin (45^@)=sqrt2/2 …
Prove that cos A / (1- tan A) + sin A / (1- cot A) - Socratic
Apr 24, 2017 · We want to prove that cosa 1 − tana + sina 1 − cota = cosa + sina Rewrite the left using only sines and cosines: cosa 1 − sina cosa + sina 1 − cosa sina = cos2a cosa −sina + …
How do you integrate sin(x)cos(x)? | Socratic
Aug 2, 2016 · Depending on the route you take, valid results include: sin^2 (x)/2+C -cos^2 (x)/2+C -1/4cos (2x)+C There are a variety of methods we can take: Substitution with sine: Let u=sin …
Is sine, cosine, tangent functions odd or even? - Socratic
Feb 28, 2015 · The concepts of odd and even apply only to integers . Except for a very few special angles the values of the sine, cosine , and tangent functions are non-integer .
How do you prove cos^4(x) - sin^4(x) = cos(2x)? | Socratic
Apr 22, 2018 · LHS=cos^4x-sin^4x = (cos^2x+sin^2x) (cos^2x-sin^2x) =1*cos2x=cos2x=RHS