Sec, Cosec and Cot – Mathematics A-Level Revision
Secant, cosecant and cotangent, almost always written as sec, cosec and cot are trigonometric functions like sin, cos and tan. Note, sec x is not the same as cos -1 x (sometimes written as …
Trigonometric Identities (List of Trigonometric Identities - BYJU'S
All the trigonometric identities are based on the six trigonometric ratios. They are sine, cosine, tangent, cosecant, secant, and cotangent. All these trigonometric ratios are defined using the …
Sec, Cosec and Cot | Summary & Examples - A Level Maths
2021年1月26日 · Cosecant (cosec) is the reciprocal of sin; Cotangent (cot) is the reciprocal of tan; Graphical Comparison
csc,sec与sin,cos,tan的关系 - 百度知道
在三角函数中,csc(余割)和sec(正割)是余弦函数和正弦函数的倒数。 它们与常见的三角函数sin(正弦)、cos(余弦)和tan(正切)之间存在以下关系: csc和sec函数是三角函数领域 …
Trigonometric Identities - Math is Fun
Cosine Function: cos (θ) = Adjacent / Hypotenuse. Tangent Function: tan (θ) = Opposite / Adjacent. When we divide Sine by Cosine we get: So we can say: That is our first …
Cosecant | Definition, Formulas, & Facts | Britannica
cosecant, one of the six trigonometric functions, which, in a right triangle ABC, for an angle A, is csc A = length of hypotenuse/ length of side opposite angle A. (The other five trigonometric …
Cosecant - Formula, Graph, Domain, Range | Cosecant Function
Cosecant is one of the main six trigonometric functions and is abbreviated as csc x or cosec x, where x is the angle. In a right-angled triangle, cosecant is equal to the ratio of the hypotenuse …
Csc Sec Cot - Formula, Table, Domain, Graph, Examples - Cuemath
Csc Sec Cot is the abbreviated form of writing the trigonometric functions cosecant, secant, and cotangent functions. We have mainly six trigonometric functions - sine, cosine, tangent, …
Cosecant Formula and Examples | Cosecant x Formula - BYJU'S
Cosecant Formula is the ratio of Hypotenuse to the opposite side of the angle in a triangle. Practice Questions using the Cosec Formula on BYJU'S.
详解三角函数:sec、csc、cot 的定义与公式_学霸网
2024年10月25日 · 余割(cosecant, 简称csc) 余割函数是正弦函数的倒数。 同样地,对于任意角θ(θ ≠ kπ, k为整数),其余割值定义为: \ [ \csc\theta = \frac {1} {\sin\theta} \] 类似地,当θ为 …