cosh - MathWorks
Y = cosh(X) returns the hyperbolic cosine of the elements of X. The cosh function operates element-wise on arrays. The function accepts both real and complex inputs.
雙曲餘弦 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
在 數學 中, 雙曲餘弦 是一種 雙曲函數,是 雙曲幾何 中,與歐幾里得幾何的 餘弦函數 相對應的函數。 雙曲餘弦一般以cosh表示 [1],在部分較舊的文獻中有時會以 表示。 [2] 雙曲餘弦可以 …
Trigonometric functions of matrices - Wikipedia
If X is a diagonal matrix, sin X and cos X are also diagonal matrices with (sin X) nn = sin(X nn) and (cos X) nn = cos(X nn), that is, they can be calculated by simply taking the sines or …
Hyperbolic cosine of a matrix - Mathematics Stack Exchange
2016年12月22日 · Define the hyperbolic of a matrix $A$ as $\cosh(A)=I+\frac{A^2}{2!}+\frac{A^4}{4!}+\cdots$. Does there exist a complex matrix of order …
Cosh—Wolfram 语言参考资料
Cosh 是双曲余弦函数,是三角学中普遍使用的 Cos 圆函数的双曲类比. 对于实数变量它的定义如下:设 是三条线 轴、从原点出发的射线以及单位双曲线 围成的封闭区域面积的两倍,则 …
$e^{Ax}=\\cosh(x)I_{n}+\\sinh(x)A$ - Mathematics Stack Exchange
2022年6月22日 · Show that for every $x\in\mathbb {R}$, $$e^ {Ax}=\cosh (x)I_ {n}+\sinh (x)A$$. Attempt: $$\begin {align*} e^ {xA}&=\begin {pmatrix} \sum_ {i...
Cosh—Wolfram Language Documentation
Cosh is the hyperbolic cosine function, which is the hyperbolic analogue of the Cos circular function used throughout trigonometry. It is defined for real numbers by letting be twice the …
Compute integral about cosh - Mathematics Stack Exchange
2019年5月2日 · Since Σ is a symmetric positive definite matrix, you can decompose it as: Σ =Q ⋅Λ ⋅QT. With Q an orthonormal matrix (Q ⋅QT = I) and Λ diagonal with only strict positive diagonal …
Cosh of a Matrix
To find the hyperbolic cosine of a square matrix \[A\] (we can only find the cosh, or indeed any function of a matrix if it is square), first write down the Mclaurin series for
COSH function calculator and graph
COSH (x) returns the hyperbolic cosine of the angle x. The argument x must be expressed in radians. To convert degrees to radians you use the RADIANS function. The argument x can …
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