9012-12-11 Coto Technology | 继电器 | DigiKey
在 DigiKey 订购 Coto Technology 9012-12-11 (306-1137-ND)。了解库存和定价,查看产品技术规格,然后在线订购。
9012-12-10由COTO设计生产,立创商城现货销售。 9012-12-10价格参考¥33.12。 COTO 9012-12-10参数名称:线圈电压:12V;触点形式:一组常开:1A (单刀单掷-常开);最大切换电 …
9012-12-11 Coto Technology | Relays | DigiKey
Order Coto Technology 9012-12-11 (306-1137-ND) at DigiKey. Check stock and pricing, view product specifications, and order online.
9012-12-10 Coto Technology | Mouser 臺灣 - Mouser Electronics
9012-12-10 Coto Technology 磁簧繼電器 REED RELAY DIP SPDT .25A 5V 資料表、庫存和定價。
9011, 9012 & 9117 Miniature SIP Relays - Coto Technology
The 9011, 9012 & 9117 are compact versions of Coto’s standard 9000 SIPs, with the 9011 and 9117 using 65% less board space and the 9012 using 47% less board space (LxW). These …
9012-12-10 COTO TECHNOLOGY, Reed Relay, SPST-NO, 12 VDC, 9012 …
The 9012 series Miniature Moulded SIP Reed Relay is the compact version of Coto's standard 9000 SIPs with this using 47% less board space. This miniature SIP relay is ideal for use in …
9012 Coto Technology | 磁簧继电器 - 得捷电子 Digi-Key官网
9012 Coto Technology 磁簧继电器 零件可从 DigiKey 订购。
9012-12-10 Coto Technology | Relays | DigiKey - Digi-Key Electronics
Order Coto Technology 9012-12-10 (306-1136-ND) at DigiKey. Check stock and pricing, view product specifications, and order online.
Coto Technology 的 9011, 9012, 9117 Series 规格书 | DigiKey
在 DigiKey 查看 Coto Technology 提供的 9011, 9012, 9117 Series 规格书上的技术规格、尺寸等信息。
9012-12-10 Coto Technology | 繼電器 | DigiKey
在 DigiKey 訂購 Coto Technology 9012-12-10 (306-1136-ND)。查看庫存、價格、產品規格,並在線上訂購。