Cotard's syndrome - Wikipedia
Cotard's syndrome, also known as Cotard's delusion or walking corpse syndrome, is a rare mental disorder in which the affected person holds the delusional belief that they are dead, do not exist, are putrefying, or have lost their blood or internal organs. [1]
科塔尔综合症 - 百度百科
科塔尔综合症(英文名:Cotard syndrome),以虚无妄想和否定妄想为核心症状,与大脑内的顶叶和前额叶皮层密切相关。
科塔爾症候群 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
科塔爾症候群(英語: Cotard's Syndrome ),或稱科塔爾氏妄想、虛無幻想症候群、行屍症候群(Walking Corpse Syndrome)、活死人症候群,是一種罕見的精神 妄想症,患者雖然意識清楚,但是認定自己已經死亡、不存在,只有精神存在。
A Neuropsychiatric Analysis of the Cotard Delusion
Jun 23, 2017 · Cotard’s syndrome, a condition in which the patient denies his or her own existence or the existence of body parts, is a rare illness that has been reported in association with several neuropsychia...
Cotard's Syndrome: What Is It? - WebMD
Mar 11, 2024 · People with Cotard's syndrome (also called walking corpse syndrome or Cotard's delusion) believe that parts of their body are missing, or that they are dying, dead, or don’t exist. They may ...
Cotard Delusion or Walking Corpse Syndrome: Definition - Healthline
Mar 9, 2023 · Cotard delusion is a rare mental illness that causes people to believe they're dead. Learn more about the complications this can cause and treatment options.
Cotard Syndrome: “I’m Dead, So Why Do I Need to Eat?”
To the Editor: First described in 1880, Cotard syndrome is characterized by anxious melancholia, ideas of damnation or rejection, insensitivity to pain, and nihilistic delusions concerning one’s own body or existence. 1 It is becoming more accepted that Cotard syndrome is a symptom of an underlying disorder—it is not listed as a specific ...
Cotard's syndrome: Two case reports and a brief review of …
Cotard's syndrome is a rare neuropsychiatric condition characterized by anxious melancholia, delusions of non-existence concerning one's own body to the extent of delusions of immortality. It has been most commonly seen in patients with severe depression.
[Cotard's syndrome. Different treatment strategies according …
The article, which is based on two case studies and an examination of the relevant literature since 1995, explores whether there are different treatment strategies for Cotard type I and the Cotard type psychotic depression.
科塔尔综合症 - MBA智库百科
Jul 30, 2020 · 科塔尔综合症(英文名:Cotard syndrome),以虚无妄想和否定妄想为核心症状,与大脑内的顶叶和前额叶皮层密切相关。 以虚无妄想(nihilistic delusion)和否定妄想(delusion of negation)为核心症状,患者主要是认为自身躯体和内部器官发生了变化.