CÔTÉ Profile - Irancartoon
André-Philippe Côté is a Canadian scenarist and cartoonist. He was born in Quebec City in 1955 and started to get known thanks to his comics.
Jean-Baptiste Côté - Wikipedia
Jean-Baptiste Côté (30 May 1832 – 9 April 1907) was a Canadian architect, wood-carver, glider, wood engraver, caricaturist, publisher, and printer. His reputation rests on his wood engravings, and on his being one of Canada's earliest cartoonists. [1]
CÔTÉ - Cartooning for Peace
André-Philippe Côté is a Canadian scenarist and cartoonist. He was born in Quebec City in 1955 and started to get known thanks to his comics.
Côté | Cartoon & Caricature | Canada | LatAm ARTE
2023年8月5日 · Biography: André-Philippe Côté is a Canadian screenwriter and cartoonist, born in Quebec City in 1955 and began to make a name for himself thanks to his comics. He first became interested in science fiction and graphic research before publishing in the 1990s six albums of his "Baptiste le clochard" comics, de.
André-Philippe Côté — Wikipédia
André-Philippe Côté est un scénariste et dessinateur québécois de bande dessinée, illustrateur et caricaturiste né en 1955 à Québec 1. Il est l'un des auteurs de la bande dessinée québécoise des années 1970 et 1980 dans la région de la ville de Québec 2 et un des piliers du magazine Safarir des années 1980 et 1990.
CÔTÉ - Cartooning for Peace
Un recueil annuel de ses meilleures caricatures (De tous les Côté, Ed. La Presse) paraît chaque année depuis cette date et trois grandes expositions lui ont été consacrées. Ses caricatures sont par ailleurs souvent reproduites dans Courrier International et Le Monde. Cartooning for Peace propose des expositions sur les grands sujets de notre temps.
De tous les--- Côté : Côté, André-Philippe - Archive.org
2021年1月5日 · Caricatures and cartoons -- Canada, Canadian wit and humor, Pictorial, Caricatures et dessins humoristiques -- Québec (Province), Humour par l'image canadien, Caricatures and cartoons, Canada -- Politique et gouvernement -- 1993-2006 -- Caricatures et dessins humoristiques, Québec (Province) -- Politique et gouvernement -- 1994 ...
CÔTÉ André-Phillip | Canadian Animation, Cartooning and …
Born 1955 in Québec. In 1984, he created the cartoon strip “Baptiste”, and has since animated it. He worked for the humour magazine Safrir. He began as editorial cartoonist at Le Soleil in the summer of 1997. He draws le docteur Smog, an adventure …
CÔTÉ Jean-Baptiste | Canadian Animation, Cartooning and …
Jean-Baptiste Côté also drew cartoons under the pen name “Grosperin”. Born 1834 in Québec City. He is primarily known as a renowned wood sculpture of statues, religious scenes and the figure-heads for ships, but he was also Francophone Canada’s first cartoonist. In his youth he served as an apprentice architect and carver.
Cartoon by André-Philippe Côté - cas d'intérêt
2021年4月29日 · It appears that a dictatorship is a nation that forces its citizens to wear a surgical mask!” By André-Philippe Côté.